
While reading the book titled ‘Mindset’, authored by Dr Carol S Dweck, I came across a fascinating insight regarding the real power of human potential, which I am sharing here:

This is about Muhammad Ali, the boxing champion. It is said that this man had great speed when attacking the opponent, but he did not have the physique of a great fighter. According to the concurrent experts, he did not have the strength and the classic moves of a match-winning boxer. They observed that Ali boxed everything wrong; he did not box punches with arms and elbows. On the contrary, he punched in rallies like an amateur, even when he was a world champion!

The author says that Ali’s brilliance was his mind – his brain, not the brawn! Ali usually pointed at his brain and said, “All victories are from here”, then raised his fist and said, “Not here”!
Friends, it is a fact that the secret to becoming victorious never lies in your skills, training, or specific abilities. Instead, the power of your mind, flexibility, and growth orientation lead to success ( or no success) for any performer. It took a firm commitment and a tenacious spirit for Muhammad Ali to become THE MUHAMMAD ALI!

I recall the unfortunate Terrorist attack of 26 Nov 2008 in Mumbai. It was a black day in the history of India when the suicide bomber Ajmal Kasab was on a killing spree. The entire city was in a frenzy and in distress. Tukaram Omble, a retired Lance Naik from the Corps of Signals of the Army, displayed outstanding commitment and strength in fighting with the terrorists. He was unarmed, on duty, but had the grit to pounce over the terrorist Ajmal Kasab. He quickly grappled the barrel of Kasab’s AK 47 and stopped him from moving ahead. In the process, he had to take 40 bullet shots at his own body! But he did not allow the terrorists to run away.
What an unbelievable., unheard and ‘a never before’ demonstration of courage by Mr Tukaram Omble to capture Ajmal Kasab alive! Very rightfully, this act of bravery was awarded by way of an ASHOK CHAKRA posthumously to him.

I am sure that if Tukaram Ji had not been exposed to such an unprecedented circumstance, his bravery would not have been exposed to the world. Likewise, it was not his physical courage or his personal ability which made him overpower the brutal terrorist, but it was due to the power of his unyielding mind which enabled him to perform the act of bravery!

Sometime back, I met a student named Laddu Pinto; he had made his third attempt to pass the very competitive and highly aspirational UPSC examination. His story again delivers the message that our mind is the powerful resource behind a person’s success. In the first attempt, Laddu was rejected in the preliminary examination. He was disheartened but had no less energy to fight back. He decided to prepare again. He made it a point to be regular and disciplined in his homework and preparations. He could pass the prelims examinations in his second attempt, but he got knocked off in the interview process. Laddu decided not to lose heart and be consistent in his efforts. It was almost 40 months from the day he gave his first examination, that Laddu finally qualified in the selection process and got to join the prestigious government job. Since I have known Laddu and his family very well, I can tell that only his untiring spirit and super-powerful mind helped him succeed.

Friends, whatever stage you may be in your life – never surrender to fate, never be disappointed. You can still win if you have the power of your mind intact!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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