Worshipping the divine feminine to gain Mukti



By Sonal Srivastava

We are enveloped by the Divine Feminine. In this cocoon of energy, we are born, live and die and merge into. The Adi Shakti, Divine Feminine, is the primordial source of energy that can neither be created, nor be destroyed. She is everpresent, energising us to do all that we do – from our daily mundane tasks to the most creative work we can think of. The Divine Feminine is the substratum that shapes us and our creative streaks.

Scriptures say that for a sadhak, spiritual practitioner, engrossed in the worship of the Devi, there is never a dull moment. Not only is his journey full of exciting spiritual experiences – practitioners have reported seeing visions or hearing naad, the unstruck sound – it also culminates in the most satisfactory of ways. The sadhak is assured of the following muktis, forms of liberation, as a consequence of his life-long sadhana: Salokya, samipya, swarupya, and sayujjya.
The Shaiv and Vaishnav schools of thought offer different interpretations of the four forms of mukti. According to some, salokya means entering the deities’ lok; the sojourn in the goddesses’ lok depends on the merit that a sadhak has earned through his spiritual practice, the jap; however, the moment his merit is spent, the sadhak is back in the cycle of death and rebirth.
Samipya is when the sadhak develops a closeness with the deity. According to ancient texts, this is like the servant-master relationship, the sadhak attains enlightenment by serving the master. Swarupya means to attain the physical form of the Devi.
The Divine Feminine is depicted as Lalita Tripusundari, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala, beautiful forms that are parts of the ten Mahavidya pantheon.

Worshipping all forms of the Divine Feminine principle, ultimately leads to Sayujjya, merging with Ishwar, when the worshipper and worshipped become one and externalities dissolve. It is the ultimate union with the Being. Most practitioners of Advaita sadhana aim for this stage and hope to attain it after death, but there is a twist in the tale. One does not have to die to achieve any of the above-listed muktis. A sincere sadhak can access these through higher states of consciousness by invoking the Devi through spiritual practices.
In the Bhagwad Gita, Arjun asks Krishn: Who is a jivanmukt? Krishn replies that jivanmukt is a person who is liberated while living. He is not affected by sorrow, anger or fear and does not have any likes and dislikes either. He just goes with the flow and accepts things as they are and stays equanimous every moment. AShakta worshipper, too, can access these muktis through the power of devotion and sadhana. Qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, empathy, love towards all beings and the ability to nurture them are attributed to the Divine Feminine. If a sadhak is able to fully develop even one of these attributes, he stands a good chance to experience at least some form of mukti in his lifetime, all through the power of his sadhana. Like a thousand-petalled lotus, a sadhak can rest in the ocean of Being by just making the efforts to reach It.
Navratri begins on April 9



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