
“Things tend to shrink in winters.” Our physics teacher told us in school. And he explained this with logic and diagrams. He cleared all our doubts about the phenomenon. 

“Your weight has expanded in winters.” The weighing machine told me. 

“What?”  I double checked the reading on the machine. The machine was right. May be it did not study physics. 

“Listen, you cant go against the laws of physics. I was supposed to shrink in winter. Our teacher told us that in school.” The machine did not reply. It just displayed its facts. It was one way communication. 

“Your girth has expanded.” My trousers told me. 

“That is fundamentally against the laws of physics. It is not my girth that is giving you a tight feeling, it is the layers of clothes that I stuff in you to save me from biting cold.” I told my trousers.

“Check out in the mirror.” I was advised.

True. It has been a long time since I last checked myself in the bathroom mirror. It gets foggy after a hot shower so one doesn’t get to review oneself often. 

I was sure the fullness that had crawled in my shape was due to layers of clothes. I stood in front of the mirror and started removing the layers one by one. Layers were removed but not the fullness of the shape. I looked as round without layers as I looked with layers. 


The laws of physical science do not go by laws of physics.

Season is changing and now it is time to shed layers of clothes. That will expose layers of fat. Fluffy jacket will go and fluffy figure will be displayed. 

What went wrong?

I went into brainstorming mode to figure out what made me expand in winters. It turned out to be tummy storming exercise. Thought of all the food that I had in the last three months made my mouth water. All those stuffed paranthas topped with butter, stuffed me with fat. At this moment I sincerely feel that milk is alright but milk products should be banned. Why were cream and butter invented or introduced in the market? Newborn of all mammals thrive on milk from their mothers, but they do not manufacture or consume butter. Humans consume milk from human mothers and also from mothers of other species. And who made the butter so tasty? Fried food attains new heights of attraction and heavenly taste in winter. Sweets seem God sent.

Let me make a list of all those who told me that exercising in winters can be life threatening. Some combination of hot and cold and extra pressure on heart. My heart always seems to agree with such suggestions. Brain should have done its job of thinking and logic, but it was too butter coated and insulated from intelligence. 

Lying idly in blankets felt so divine. I realised the comfort of all those animals who go into hibernation to escape from cold weather. The only and the most important difference, I realised was – hibernating animals do not eat anything during hibernation and I ate like animals during my hibernation. 

Time to hit the gym running, before the winter gains become permanent. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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