
Each one of us gets about 20000 breaths every day. The biggest justice which we can and must do to ourselves is to take these breaths easily, positively, and joyously.

Laddu once met a Buddhist monk and pleaded for peace. He said I have many life problems; everything I touch gets spoiled. I have never been successful in doing any project. My luck is so bad that the street dogs run after me when I walk on the road! 

The Monk smiled at Laddu and said, “I do not think you have any problem in this world. Remember, all our life problems are within us and because of us!” He said, “Let me tell you the story of one of my disciples. He was a well-educated youth, just like you. His career journey was not smooth. He was sacked from his first job for non-performance. He struggled to get another job and eventually landed in a big organisation. However, the sorrow saga didn’t end with this job. Rather, the lad’s challenges flared further. His new boss was expecting results beyond the skills and capacity he possessed. Somehow, a few months passed by, and owing to the frustration of workload, this man had to resign from the second job as well.

Laddu nodded in sympathy with the man suffering in the story shared by the Monk. He said, “Really, the fellow had bad luck, just like me”. The Monk then said, “The story still needs to be finished. This guy decided to get some professional help. He met a counsellor and shared his situation with the intent to get a solution. He was advised by the career counsellor to go ahead with a start–up, which is an entrepreneurial venture. The guy then hired the services of a business coach. 

The new career journey started with many more difficulties, fund shortages and a whirlwind of uncertainty. However, the man was determined to make it big, and as such, he decided to keep moving ahead and maintain consistency with commitment. Inch by inch, the canvas of his career started showing growth colours. You will be surprised to know this, Laddu, said the Monk, “today, after seven years of struggle, this chap is an established businessman. Look at the new car parked in front of my ashram. My disciple bought this yesterday!”

Now let me ask: “Do you think the man had bad luck? Laddu replied, “Apparently, NO.”

Monk: What changed your perception about this man’s luck?

Laddu: the end result!

Exactly, said the Monk. Always believe that if the result is not what you had aspired for, it is not yet the end! All you need to do is stay firm in the game and keep playing confidently. Quitting is the art of a loser. Luck is always a luxury for the winner. A victorious person evaluates only the positive impact of luck in his life on retrospection. A loser walks on the turf of negative luck! That attitude makes all the difference!

Winners breathe success. They never waste even a single breath on the negative energy of stress, sorrow, or comparison. The amount of joy, health, happiness, and success one accumulates in one’s life is directly proportional to the power and prayer in one breath! A tinge of negative thought is like a drop of mud in clean water. Imagine if we keep dropping mud with every breath in the water of our lives! Wouldn’t it become totally muddy and clogged very soon?

Hence, wise people discard negativity and embrace positive perspectives in any situation. One must always be positive, think positive and breathe a lot of positivity. As mentioned at the beginning of this column, we have almost six lac breaths in a month. Every breath works towards energising us and giving us hope and ability.

So why not breath wisely?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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