Why Brick-And-Mortar Retail Stores Are Vital For Electric Vehicle Industry In India



By Manideep Katepalli

The electric vehicle (EV) industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, fuelled by a surge in demand driven by environmental concerns and technological advancements. Despite the increasing popularity of online platforms for various purchases, brick-and-mortar retail stores prove indispensable for the growth and sustainability of the electric vehicle market.

Brick-and-mortar stores play a multifaceted role, serving as crucial educational hubs for potential EV buyers. Unlike online platforms, these physical stores provide a unique opportunity for customers to interact with EV experts, asking questions and gaining insights into the technology.

This personal touch is invaluable, addressing concerns, dispelling myths, and fostering a positive customer experience, ultimately empowering potential buyers to make informed decisions.

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Electric vehicles boast advanced technologies that may not be apparent through online channels alone. Here, brick-and-mortar stores shine, allowing customers to physically engage with the vehicles, explore their features, and even test drive them. This hands-on experience is instrumental in showcasing the technology, alleviating any apprehensions customers may have about transitioning to electric vehicles.

Trust plays a pivotal role in the adoption of new technologies, and brick-and-mortar stores, backed by reputable brands, build a sense of trust and credibility among consumers. The physical presence instils confidence, assuring potential buyers that they are investing in a reliable product with a robust network of support services. This trust factor proves especially crucial for the electric vehicle industry, where concerns about charging infrastructure and maintenance persist.

Addressing one of the significant barriers to electric vehicle adoption, brick-and-mortar stores provide a platform to discuss and alleviate range anxiety. Knowledgeable staff can explain advancements in battery technology, available charging infrastructure, and the realistic range of electric vehicles, helping customers overcome anxieties and make informed choices.

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Moreover, physical retail outlets contribute significantly to the expansion of the electric vehicle network. As these stores proliferate, they pave the way for an extended network of charging stations and service centres. This infrastructure development is critical for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, ensuring that customers have convenient access to charging facilities and support services.

Local brick-and-mortar stores play a vital role in community engagement, becoming central hubs for EV enthusiasts. They host events, workshops, and test-drive opportunities, fostering a sense of community that goes beyond the transactional nature of online purchases.

Despite the environmental benefits, lingering perceptions that electric vehicles are expensive and cater only to a niche market persist. Brick-and-mortar stores emerge as essential platforms for automakers to showcase a variety of electric vehicle models, including more affordable options. This exposure helps break down these perception barriers, making electric vehicles more accessible to a broader audience.

Beyond serving as points of sale, these physical outlets function as educational centres, technology showcases, and community hubs. As the industry continues to grow, the synergy between online platforms and brick-and-mortar stores will be essential for a sustainable and widespread transition to electric vehicles.

(The author is the Co–Founder of BikeWo)

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