Why aren’t you afraid of posting your pictures online anymore?



I vividly remember the early days of Yahoo when we used pseudonyms to create our email addresses and masked our identities on Orkut with pictures of celebrities or fictional characters.

We were wary of our identity being revealed online or more precisely, being misused. And fast forward to today: we are dying to become searchable on search engines and discoverable on social media platforms, eagerly sharing our once intimate lives with the digital world. 

But what sparked this transformation? Have we grown to trust technology more, or are we simply succumbing to the allure of social validation, the perceived benefits of social connection, the notion of building social currency, the necessity for social relevancy, or merely keeping up with societal pressure? From psychologists to academicians, everybody is trying to find an answer to these lingering questions. 

In my casual conversations with students, I found out that not everyone is comfortable with making their social media profiles public – some try to keep their private and public account separate; some change their profile settings when unsettling comments pour in; or some simply deactivate their account temporarily to avoid online harm.

Despite these encounters, many still feel the need of online expression and connection. They have come to accept that ‘haters will hate’ and obscene comments will come in but tampering with these comments will apparently affect the social media algorithm and they refrain from deleting them.

I recall a time when I used to wake up in the wee hours to monitor comments on my articles written for a news media portal, often requesting the Editor to promptly delete them. Today, people are embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly of the online world.

For most, the perceived benefits outweigh the potential risks, often fuelled by the notion that ‘this will not happen to me.’

Interestingly, the dynamics of trust and technology differ between genders. According to a study by Deloitte last year, women tend to be more skeptical than men when it comes to sharing their personal health and fitness data with apps and online service providers. However, this skepticism does not necessarily extend to sharing content on social media platforms, underscoring the nuanced relationship between trust and privacy in various digital contexts.

The most important thing is that as we navigate the complexities of the digital realm, it is imperative to engage in meaningful conversations about privacy, security, and the trade-offs inherent in our online interactions. Interestingly, most of the women I interacted with did not even mention privacy as a concern; instead, they were busy explaining how social media serves as a tool for expression. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the terms ‘deep fake’ and ‘doxxing’ were not even brought up in our discussions.

Instead of mindlessly accepting all terms and conditions and clicking ‘allow’ on microphone, camera, location, and contacts permissions, we need to engage in more conversations around the security risks. While urging tech companies to develop features that safeguard our privacy, we should also take proactive steps such as switching off location-sharing when not required, opting for ‘do not track’ options, limiting access to our photos, and disabling microphone access.

Rather than dismissing concerns, we should feel uneasy when we see advertisements for products we mention to friends during personal conversations, highlighting the potential intrusion of apps listening and recording our conversations.

If some may label this as paranoia, then it is time we should be paranoid.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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