‘Who Are They Who Separate Nawaz Sharif From…’: Ex-Pak PM In First Speech Upon Return From 4 Yr



Former Prime Minister and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif, who returned to Pakistan today after spending four years in self-imposed exile, addressed a massive crowd of supporters at Lahore’s historic Minar-i-Pakistan. In an emotionally charged gathering, Sharif expressed gratitude to his supporters, saying, “I am meeting you today after several years, but my relationship of love with you is the same. There is no difference in this relationship. The love I am seeing in your eyes, I am proud of it.”

According to a report by Pakistan-based Dawn, The former premier asserted his commitment to his followers, noting, “I never betrayed my supporters, nor did I shy away from any kind of sacrifice.” He reminisced about the fabricated cases against him and his party leaders, highlighting the unwavering loyalty of PML-N members who remained steadfast.

“Tell me, who are they who separate Nawaz Sharif from his nation? We are those who built Pakistan. We made Pakistan a nuclear power. We brought an end to load shedding,” he proclaimed, emphasizing his role in providing affordable electricity to the people.

In response to the crowd’s cheers, Sharif quipped, “I know you want to hear that I love you too.”

“Today, trust me, after seeing your love, I have forgotten all my grief and pain. I don’t even want to remember. But, there are some wounds that can’t ever heal,” he remarked, as quoted by Dawn.

Speaking with a tremble in his voice, Sharif stressed how politics had taken a personal toll. He recounted the losses of his mother and wife “to politics” and expressed his regret at not being able to bid them a proper farewell, the report mentioned.

Before delivering his address, Nawaz Sharif embraced his daughter Maryam and greeted other party leaders on stage.

Meanwhile, PML-N’s Khawaja Saad Rafique read a resolution condemning Israeli actions against Palestinians, Dawn reported.

Nawaz Sharif arrived in Islamabad earlier in the day, completing legal and biometric formalities, which were necessary to secure his bail, granted by the Islamabad High Court on October 19. He then departed for Lahore, where he was welcomed by his younger brother Shehbaz Sharif and other party leaders.

In Lahore, he participated in the Maghreb prayers at the Lahore Fort alongside Shehbaz, Ishaq Dar, and other party leaders, before heading to the historic Minar-i-Pakistan.

Earlier, Maryam Nawaz, visibly moved by the outpouring of support, rallied the crowd and noted that Minar-i-Pakistan, a grand venue, appeared small for the enthusiastic PML-N supporters. She urged the crowd to give Nawaz Sharif a historic welcome upon his arrival at Minar-i-Pakistan.

“Nawaz Sharif and your (public) bond is stronger than blood relation, no one can break it. Those who tried to break it can see that it has become stronger today,” she remarked.

The Lahore rally saw support pouring in from various regions of the country, with heavy police contingents deployed to ensure security, Dawn reported.

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Imran Khan’s Party Labels Nawaz Sharif As ‘National Criminal’ Upon His Return

As the political landscape in Pakistan continues to evolve, Nawaz Sharif’s return has ignited fervent reactions with Imran Khan’s party calling former premier Nawaz Sharif a national criminal. It stated that the state has buried shame, modesty, law and justice with its own hands by paving the way for the “coward fugitive to return home under judicial asylum”, news agency PTI reported.

Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) reacted strongly to the PML-N supremo’s return, saying the “coward fugitive is returning under judicial asylum”.

A PTI spokesperson, in a statement released on Saturday, lamented the sacrifice of “shame, modesty, law, and justice” at the altar of Nawaz Sharif’s return from London.

Drawing attention to the ousting of Imran Khan’s government in April 2022, the PTI spokesperson went on to accuse state elements of undermining the Constitution and democracy. They alleged that these elements have placed the nation under the sway of dictatorship and corrupt forces after orchestrating a “regime change conspiracy.” T

he statement further pointed out that Imran Khan initiated a political struggle against the collusion between criminal elements and the state nearly three decades ago. According to the PTI, the nation is rallying under Khan’s leadership to confront thieves, mafia, and plunderers.

Highlighting the widespread sentiment of anticipation regarding Nawaz Sharif’s return, the PTI spokesperson quipped that the nation is “ready to ‘welcome’ its criminal who has been ‘adopted’ by the state.”

The statement also affirmed the public’s determination to hold accountable those who have allegedly looted the nation across generations. In addition, the PTI reiterated its longstanding demand for immediate transparent, free, and fair elections as a means to steer the country out of its prevailing crisis.


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