While you stopped playing guitar



The other day, a man named Laddu Pinto called me. He said, “I don’t have a job, nor do I have enough money, but I want to grow in life.” I said, “Go and grab your success. Tell me what efforts you have made in the last two years.” He said nothing. 

I said, “If you are not willing to challenge yourself, you will not be able to build a path that will lead you to success. I asked, “What has stopped you from making fresh efforts?” Laddu replied, “Nothing stops me, but I still am not inspired to act.” I suggested he dive deep into his thoughts and think twice. There must be something holding you back! Search for it and tell me, I said. After some time, the man said, “ I confess, I am scared.”

I asked, “You are scared of what?”
Answer: Yet another failure!

Friends, this scare of being a failure is an enthusiasm dampener. Not being able to achieve the set goals in a few attempts is usually treated as embarrassment and sin by most of us. Which, in reality, is not so. In the classic Thomas Edison anecdote, when he failed 999 times while in the process of inventing the bulb, someone asked him a demeaning question: You had so many failed attempts; what is the big deal in your invention? Edison said to have replied, “Inventing the bulb is not a big deal; knowing 999 ways how not to do it is!”

Friends, believe me, the event called failure is always temporary. On retrospection, it is seen that people who do not surrender and do not stop but do make it to the finish point. Each one of us has an inherent set of talents. The need is to start using it consistently. One must strive to become an active as well as productive force in one’s own life. 

Once, I did not use my vehicle for a long spell of forty days in winter. On the 41st day, when I attempted to start the engine, it refused to do so. The same applies to us human beings. At this juncture, it is important to note that the law of diminishing returns governs our talent. This means that the less we use our abilities, the less impactful our talent becomes. Suppose you have the skill to write good poetry, and you, for some reason, do not write one for a long time. Eventually, you will be short of words and ideas to pen a new poem. Hence, you must keep writing consistently. Likewise, If you have mastered the art of playing guitar but you do not practice it regularly, you will eventually lose confidence, and also your performance will drop.

Our abilities and skills are not like financial instruments, such as a Mutual Fund or a bank fixed deposit, which keep giving returns once invested. Your efforts and abilities are to be experimented with and invested in every day, every moment. One negative result must not discourage you; rather, always remember that high returns are like sea waves. The wave that recedes deeper into the sea returns with a greater force and impact. 

The only mistake Laddu Pinto was making was not to make another attempt. I am sure if he took one more chance, he would be successful. 

Maybe you have also stopped somewhere in your life? Do a self-audit and resolve to give your best efforts this time. Do not stop; never be scared, rather scare the scare of failure. Life is waiting for you with rewards. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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