When in doubt, flow with the flow



Over the years people have put forth this query to me time and again- What is it that you have gained through your writings? I thought hard and then one fine day came up with the answer to the question. While other writers from the fraternity might have gained recognition, acclaim or monetary benefits from their creative process, I have been able to unveil the most profound realization- I have learnt to ‘flow with the flow.’

Life is unpredictable, and challenges are inevitable. You find yourself stranded at the crossroads now and then, not sure about which path to follow, and where choices echo with the weight of the unknown. Each path holds its allure, a tantalizing blend of risk and reward.  

Learning to go with the flow enables you to adapt more easily to changing circumstances. Instead of resisting or fearing the unknown, you become flexible and resilient, better equipped to navigate through unexpected twists and turns.

Six years ago when I showed the manuscript of my stories to my arch critic, my husband, he was overwhelmed with emotion. It was a pivotal moment that made me recognize the importance of embracing the natural course of events. I took whatever obstacles, that came my way, as part of the flowing process. There were accolades as well as brickbats and yet I decided to flow on. Amidst both praise and criticism, I made a conscious decision to continue moving forward, allowing the currents of my journey to guide me.

Of course, to flow with the flow ideology does not endorse complacency on the part of the practitioner rather, it aligns closely with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The Gita advocates the concept of ‘karma,’ emphasizing the importance of engaging in actions without becoming overly fixated on the outcomes. In essence, it encourages practitioners to wholeheartedly immerse themselves in their endeavours, acknowledging that the journey and the effort invested hold significance, regardless of the eventual results.

My creative journey has taken me on a pursuit of soul-searching where I have learnt to let my emotions as well as creative juices flow through the ink of my imagination and fill the void pages of my substance without concerning myself with the aftermath of the activity. Everyone cannot and certainly should not appreciate what you are practising but that should hardly faze you from flowing in the direction of where your heart wants to be. Remember, even the ways of the divine are subject to human scrutiny!

So, resolute, I continue to flow towards the destination my heart yearns for. Being adaptable and open has helped me further in building stronger and healthier relationships. It allows me to understand and accept others’ perspectives, fostering better communication and collaboration. Flexibility in relationships can lead to more harmonious connections with family, friends, and colleagues.

Hence, when uncertainty clouds the path or the right course eludes you, welcome the ambiguity and surrender to the flow. It is within this ‘immutability in flux’ that the very essence of growth is discovered. Embrace the unknown, navigate through the uncertainties, and allow the current of experience to shape the course of your journey. In the midst of this ambiguity, one finds the fertile ground for personal evolution and the subtle beauty of self-discovery.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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