‘When I Checked NASA Satellite Images…’: UP CM Yogi Points To Punjab, Haryana Over Delhi-NCR



Delhi Pollution News: Air pollution in Delhi-NCR is on the rise and even Chief Ministers are not spared of its impact. Sharing an incident, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that he felt the full impact of the dropping AQI when his eyes started burning after deplaning in Ghaziabad.

The Air Quality Index (AQI) near IGI Airport T3 terminal at 7 am on Friday stood at 473, ‘Severe’ category. The smog has not just covered Delhi but it has also engulfed Ghaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the whole of Punjab and northern parts of Haryana were indicated in ‘Red’ colour when looked upon through NASA satellite images. The ‘Red’ colour in the images indicates a very high amount of pollution in the air. 

CM Adityanath on Friday said, “The day before yesterday Supreme Court issued notices to 5-6 states including Punjab, Haryana, UP and Delhi on pollution. On my way to Delhi, I landed at Ghaziabad, as soon as I stepped out of the aircraft my eyes started burning and I realised it was due to smog. When I checked NASA satellite images to see areas affected by stubble burning and industrial pollution, it was found that the whole of Punjab and northern parts of Haryana were indicated in ‘red’ (indicating stubble burning). When air from these states travelled, Delhi was covered in darkness.”

Severe pollution levels have forced the authorities in the national capital to close primary schools. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced, “In light of the rising pollution levels, all govt and private primary schools in Delhi will remain closed for the next 2 days.”

Truck-mounted water sprinklers have been put to work in the central Delhi area in a bid to curb pollution. Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Friday called an emergency meeting to review the situation even as the national capital enforced GRAP-III curbs, which include a ban on construction, mining, etc.


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