
Jugaad is a Hindi word that means frugal innovation.  It is created to ‘get the job done’ and move ahead and not stay stuck.

This term describes aptly what your brain does when it senses that you are struggling with emotional discomfort and unable to withstand heavy emotions.  It creates a Jugaad Avatar – to help you navigate the rough times and get you through that tough phase of your life.

Whether you are four or forty years old – you develop a Jugaad Avatar (JA). It is a frugal innovation of your personality and your environment to help you deal with that life situation and its attendant emotions in the best way you can.

Lets say you just found out your husband cheated on you and you have started divorce proceedings.  Your JA in order to manage emotions might be to pour yourself deep into work or pour yourself a drink or one too many. You might take a break and go on a pilgrimage and start to live a minimalistic life or go on a shopping spree. You might take a trip to another country but never within.  You might donate money or gamble it away.  You might dive headlong into another relationship or another pizza. You might not get out of your bed for days or find yourself in many random beds.  You might go out every night or stay in gaming all day and all night.  You might hook up or coke out. You might starve or overeat or inflict some survival program on yourself to cope and to be soothed. 

In any tough life situation we all find ourselves creating a JA that soothes us.  It is our brain’s way of keeping us safe and satisfied in the midst of the emotions swirling around like a tornado threatening your very existence.  The brain is your bodyguard and does not want you to feel threatened and will come in to protect you – in all the above ways – it will create a jugaad to save you.  You better believe it.  Better than anxiety over a divorce or an exam, interview, choosing a college, subject, job, an empty nest, being lonely, deep diving and doing self-work or any tough emotional spot you may find yourself in.

These JA’s are like a cover-up operation for emotional pain and separation from an Authentic Self that you do not know exists.  We are so aware only of the symptoms of heavy emotions created by our JA – but not the true self that we need to embody.  We are aware only of lack and absence and missing of love, money, companion, status and disconnected from the authentic expression of our core self – which is fulfilled, driven, filled with love and meaning.

Whatever pain your JA was created to soothe, try and understand that it is not the real you.  The real you needs to be explored beyond this JA and this is the process of life.  That you think the JA is the real you till you discover your Authentic Self.  It will happen sooner or later as this true self will not stay hidden for long.  Its nature is to rise up and evolve, no matter how many births it takes to do so.

You might not fully know how to move out of this JA but you do know it is your choice whether you want to explore beyond the symptoms you see and have come to believe as being true about you.

Can you imagine what it might feel like to move out of a frugal innovation created as a hack to help you survive to embodying an abundant and authentic you that connects you to your joy and purpose? Picture that Avatar.  It awaits you. Reclaim it.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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