We Must Not Be Treated Like Animals.: PoK Activist Exposes Pakistan’s Atrocities In British Parliament



New Delhi: A political activist from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), Professor Sajjad Raja, has spoken out against Pakistan’s claim to be a party to the Kashmir dispute. In a tweet, Raja said that the only two parties are the people of Jammu and Kashmir and India, and Pakistan has no right to interfere in their matters.

“Pakistan has made this. Pakistan has been given this legitimacy by Indian government. We invited India to come and rescue us and instead what they did they went to the United Nations on 1 January 1948 and there in United Nations they agreed to the formula which was presented by western forces and agreed that Pakistan is a legitimate party to the dispute,” Sajjad said in his address.

He further said, “If I enter this room with guns, with my friends, with guns in my hands and grenades and I occupy this room, would you consider me as a legitimate party later on when it’s being decided that I should be thrown out of this parliament house? So these are different standards for us and different standards for the western world and for others.”

Speaking at the British Parliament, he said, “So it has been too long. I apologize. I’m sorry. Let me emphasize it is still not too late. Pakistan must be forced to give us all basic human rights and fundamental freedoms. We must not be treated like animals. We are also human beings. We have got all the right to live peacefully and enjoy the facilities of modern day life. And people in mainland Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh are enjoying. Thank you very much.”

Raja is the chairman of the National Equality Party Jammu Kashmir Gilgit Baltistan and Ladakh (NEP JKGBL), a political party that advocates for the rights of the people of PoK. He has been vocal about Pakistan’s oppression and exploitation of PoK and has demanded a plebiscite to decide the future of the region.


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