
The Bengal famine of 1943, which killed 3 million people, was more the making of Churchill-era British policies than nature. In Gaza today, all 2.2 million residents are food insecure – because of Netanyahu.

Accidental/Intentional | For five months, they have been blockaded in, with more bombs than humanitarian support. This week, three deadly Israeli strikes on a World Central Kitchen convoy have halted its operations. Earlier, UN’s relief and works agency suspended aid deliveries in north Gaza, after its convoy was struck.
Giving advance notice of their movements to Israeli military, known as deconfliction, is standard procedure for aid organisations. That over 200 aid workers have yet been killed, is now raising horrifying suspicions that they have been actively targeted.



Outrage/Bombs | The WCK incident, however, marks the first international casualties. And since citizens of Western countries were killed Israel has been more ‘explanatory’ than usual. And that’s also why even Trump has conceded, “Israel is absolutely losing the PR war…losing it big.” But will Western outrage allow Gazans access to the hundreds of million tonnes of aid idling outside Gaza’s border? For now, US supply of weapons to Israel to drop on Gazans remains in heavier flow.

Humanity/Barbarity | Delivering food aid in warzones is kind and brave work. A moving commitment to humanity. We saw this during the pandemic as well, civil society organisations, including gurdwaras, stepping up to help the hungry where govts failed. WCK, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, helped Israelis after the Oct 7 attack. It helps in Ukraine. As Andrés says, food is not a weaponof war, and yet that is what it has been turned into in Gaza. Israel cannot keep arguing, “It happens in war,” as its actions literally starve Gazans to death. But who’ll make the Israeli govt eat its own words?


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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