War of the words: White House speaking in two voices



The White House press room lectern stands on what is arguably the most watched podium in the world. In fact, it has no equivalent because there isn’t a political executive office anywhere in the world where a President or Prime Minister has a spokesperson offering comments and answering questions on issues and developments, both domestic and global, on a daily basis.

It is also a lectern that has space for only one spokesperson, and indeed, the White House typically has only one spokesperson speaking for the President. In recent weeks though, the briefing room has seen two spokespersons pop up frequently: The regular and official spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, and White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby. And apparently, things are not good between them.

Karine Jean-Pierre is the first black person and the first openly LGBT person to serve as the White House press secretary. That does not endear her to some arch conservatives. Daughter of Haitian immigrants, she moved to the White House after serving as chief of staff to vice-president Kamala Harris, who has her detractors in the Biden camp. Her partner till recently was former CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux (they split recently).

You can sense from the press room dynamic that she is not the most liked spokesperson in WH history, although it is not the business of a spokesperson to be liked. Job typically involves dispensing information relating to the White House’s work, channeling the President’s views, and managing a narrative, particularly if it is damaging to the White House.

Apparently, the President felt that the foreign policy part of the briefings were not Jean-Pierre’s strength, so a few weeks ago, following the October 7 attack on Israel, NSC Spokesperson John Kirby was drafted to “support” her during the press briefing. Jean-Pierre clearly does not care for this arrangement, and you can see it from the way she calls on the reporters who can ask Kirby questions. It’s her press room. Kirby defers to her for now but reports are rife that it is not a happy arrangement.

Kirby, 60, a former Navy admiral, is a veteran spokesperson for the administration with a lot of miles behind him. He has been a two-time Pentagon press secretary and a State Department press secretary, and is clearly in line for the White House job. But Jean-Pierre has said that she’s not going anywhere soon. She will serve out the remainder of the Biden term (one more year) and will return if he wins a second term and offers her another shot. Of course, all bets are off if there is a bloomer or mishap, an ever present danger in what is clearly a high-wire job.

Incidentally, two Indian-Americans are also taking baby steps in this line of service. Vedant Patel serves as the Principal Deputy Spokesperson over at the State Department. Sabrina Singh, who previously served as the Deputy Press Secretary to Vice President Kamala Harris, has been Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary in the Department of Defense since April 2022. Both have stood in for their bosses and it will be no surprise if we see more of them if Biden wins a second term.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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