Vietnam-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: An assessment of its significance



Vietnam’s upgradation of its relationship with Australia (7th March 2024) to a comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP) to strengthen its diplomatic circle of strategic partners, is a positive development not only in bilateral terms but also for the broader Indo-Pacific region. This is the seventh country with which Vietnam has this level of relationship. This reveals two important dimensions pertaining to Vietnam. First, this reflects the recognition of Vietnam’s increasing stature globally as a responsible nation. Second, it underlines the success of the ‘Bamboo Diplomacy’ of Vietnam that has resulted in enhancing its ties with all the key players not only in the South China Sea (SCS) but in the larger global space, despite their differences. 

This approach is in line with the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress ‘to further strengthen and deepen relations with partners, especially strategic partners, comprehensive partners, important partners, and traditional friends, towards maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, improving the nation’s position and prestige, and contributing to peace, stability, and development in the region.’ Vietnam consistently pursues its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of international relations in an uncertain world.

Bilaterally, the lifting of the relationship paves the way for further deepening their cooperation in various fields, important for its economic development and peace and security in the region. The joint statement points out six critical areas of cooperation. These include such as the climate, environment, energy, defence and security, and education sectors, besides economic engagement. Twelve documents were signed on these issues. The two nations pledged to further develop their relations in all areas and promote the upgraded relationship based on respecting international law as well as the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and political system of each country. Important initiatives as part of CSP are given in succeeding paragraphs.

First, a new arrangement for peacekeeping partnership was made to further strengthen Vietnam’s current peacekeeping efforts including the UN Mission in South Sudan. This provides a model for cooperation among the Indo-Pacific partners to maintain global peace and security.

Second, the two countries have agreed to elevate the Australia-Vietnam Security Dialogue to the Ministerial level to advance cooperation on law enforcement issues. They committed to enhancing law enforcement and intelligence cooperation through closer cooperation between Vietnamese and Australian police, and maritime and border authorities to target and disrupt transnational organised crime, including drug smuggling and human trafficking, money laundering, terrorism, cybercrime, and sexual exploitation. They also agreed to enhance cooperation on legal and judicial matters of mutual interest.  

Third, an agreement between agencies of the two countries responsible for trade and investment promotion was signed. This aims at enhancing trade and investment through global and regional economic integration. The need to build supply chain resilience and pursue trade diversification to promote economic resilience was underlined.  An initiative was agreed upon in the field of agriculture to encourage trade in new commodities. Australia became Vietnam’s seventh-largest trade partner in 2022. Bilateral trade between Australia and Vietnam reached A$ 25.7 billion, increasing 62% during 2020-2021. Australian investment in Vietnam amounted to A$1.8 billion in 2022, reflecting a 30% increase from 2020. They also agreed to have 1000 Vietnamese workers to work in the agricultural sector to fill labour gaps in rural and regional Australia. 

Third, they agreed to strengthen cooperation in the education field. This includes further cooperation between Australian and Vietnamese education institutions to work together at all four levels- early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary education. 

Fourth, they decided to further defence cooperation. They committed to “broadening cooperation, including in defence industry, maritime security, information and intelligence sharing; strengthening maritime cooperation, including sustainable marine resource management and combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; and enhancing cooperation in cyber-security and critical technology, including through cyber capacity building initiatives to address cyber security threats.” This is crucial as Vietnam is increasingly facing cyber-attacks and intrusions into its EEZ.   

Fifth, the two countries agreed to have a Ministerial Dialogue on Energy and Minerals to explore opportunities to deepen cooperation on commodities, products, technologies, and services associated with energy systems and carriers, power generation, mining, extractives, processing, minerals, and fossil fuels, including coal, oil and gas.

Sixth, they decided to enhance collaboration on climate adaptation and resilience, climateresilient agriculture, biodiversity conservation, marine science for sustainable development, plastic pollution reduction and food and water security, especially in the Mekong Delta, including through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. They decided to continue to develop emerging, resilient, and diverse renewable energy supply chains through the integration of technological solutions that help both nations meet netzero goals.

Overall, this marks an important development. The elevation of partnership to the highest level with seven countries reflects Vietnam’s peaceful rise in the global structure. With these relationships, Vietnam’s centrality in the South China Sea (SCS) and the Indo-Pacific is well-established. These partnerships enable Vietnam to use a wide range of options to deal with the growing challenges in the SCS to its sovereignty. Vietnam is using diplomacy to gradually resolve the issues of maritime boundaries with other countries in the region. Vietnam and Indonesia resolved their maritime boundary issue through negotiations without involving China. With the Philippines, it has enhanced cooperation and they would likely resolve their boundary issue bilaterally. 

A more confident Vietnam is firmly protecting its sovereignty by resisting China’s manoeuvres to dislodge Vietnam from its features despite its aggressive and coercive activities. Vietnam has strengthened its positions in its features and has protested the seven points marked by China in the Gulf of Tonkin as those are against the earlier agreement between them. The Philippines too, is sticking to the ground and has refused to vacate the military posts at the Second Thomas and Scarborough Shoals. Vietnam has now CSPs with all the Quad members and is well placed to play a pivotal role in ensuring peace and security in the Indo-Pacific along with its strategic partners. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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