Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Robusta Coffee: A Journey of Flavors, Aromas & Resilience – News18



In the ever-evolving world of coffee, the exploration of Robusta coffee opens a door to a rich tapestry of flavors and aromas. At the heart of this journey is the robust Robusta bean, a coffee variant that thrives in the lush shade of India’s coffee-growing districts. Scientifically known as Coffea canephora, Robusta coffee stands as a testament to nature’s resilience and human ingenuity, weaving together a captivating blend of science and craftsmanship.

The Robusta Experience: A Quest for Excellence

Sunith Reddy, CEO & Co-founder of Beforest, Lifestyle Solutions Pvt Ltd, delves into the intricate science of cultivating Robusta coffee. As the name suggests, Robusta is a more robust variant of the coffee species, thriving in the shade-grown environments prevalent in the coffee-growing districts of India.

Factors Influencing Flavor

The robusta coffee experience is influenced by various factors, including plant strains, altitude, shade, processing methods, and the art of roasting, grinding, and packaging. In India, commercial cultivation has focused on three primary Robusta forms: Old Robusta/Peradeniya, S.274, and CR, each contributing distinct cupping characteristics.

“Altitude above 1000 meters reveals clear flavor profiles, while shade trees under which Robusta is grown impart unique qualities, including reduced bitterness and diverse flavors,” adds Reddy.

The Art of Processing and Roasting

Processing methods play a pivotal role in Robusta coffee quality. Wet processing mellows sharp notes and enhances the coffee’s soft, buttery mouthfeel. Techniques such as washed, unwashed, and “honey sundried” highlight the potential for varied taste profiles, promising high-quality “fine robustas.”

Reddy believes, “Robusta roasting is a precise art, involving temperature control and balancing caramelization and maillard reactions to enhance its boldness and earthy flavor. Uniform grinding ensures even extraction during brewing, preventing over-extraction bitterness. Specialized airtight packaging preserves bold flavors and aroma, safeguarding against deterioration.”

From Farm to Cup: A Dynamic Coffee Experience

Rajat Agrawal, CEO, Barista Coffee, emphasizes the resilience of Robusta beans, making up 30% of India’s coffee production. Grown in Tamil Nadu and Kerala’s sun-drenched plains, Robusta coffee beans resist the tropical climate’s rigors, offering a strong and bold flavor with a slightly bitter taste.

“From cultivation to brewing, Robusta coffee undergoes various steps, and its popularity is rising as an alternate use case. The surge in demand has led to increased prices, making Robusta blends a significant player in the coffee industry,” adds Agrawal.

The Healthy Side of Robusta

Diksha Tripathi, Nutritionist, Aarya Clinic, highlights the health benefits of Robusta coffee. Rich in antioxidants and lower in acidity compared to Arabica, “Robusta coffee can boost metabolism, aid digestion, and contribute to a sense of alertness and energy. Delving into the essence of robusta coffee becomes not just a journey for the taste buds but also an exploration of its potential to provide a delightful and healthful coffee experience,” opines Tripathi.

Versatility in Brewing

The unique characteristics of Robusta make it versatile for various brewing methods, from espresso to pour-over and drip brewing. As the industry shifts focus from primarily Arabica, mastering factors like water temperature and brewing time is essential to strike the right balance between boldness and acidity in Robusta variants.

Transforming the Coffee Market

“The growing interest in “fine robustas” is transforming the coffee market, appealing to specialty coffee consumers and adding diversity to blends. With Robusta beans scoring high on cupping scales, previously considered only possible with Arabica variants, new uncharted horizons of specialty coffee are opening up,” signs off Reddy.

As the glass ceiling for robustas cracks, and the coffee industry evolves, the science behind Robusta coffee remains at the forefront, offering unrealized opportunities and shaping the future of coffee in India.


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