Understanding the Israel – Palestine conflict part 2 (present situation)



The last fourteen years, before the recent Hamas attack on 07 October 2023 were comparatively peaceful in the region. Did this result in Israel letting its guard down or perhaps becoming complacent? The kind of success that Hamas achieved, in piercing the supposedly impregnable defenses along the Gaza Strip, has astonished defense experts across the world including Israelis themselves. The Hamas intruders had a free run for hours before any Israeli response could be mounted. The not-so-popular and shaky government in Israel had no other option but to retaliate with full force as it needed to establish its credibility, both within and outside the nation. Its task became easier as the political opposition in the country joined ranks with the government without any preconditions.

The world, saw the Hamas operation as an act of terror and condemnation came in from all parts of the world including India. But within 2-3 days there was a noticeable shift in the world opinion once Israel started retaliating against the Hamas in Gaza. Some termed it as overreaction while others blamed Israel for using excessive force and lack of concern for the civilian population in the area. None of this has deterred the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from doing what they do best – retaliate in full force aimed at complete destruction of Hamas, their military infrastructure and their supporters. This time, they also seem to be determined to force many Palestinian refugees to relocate from the Gaza Strip by crossing into Egypt. 

As on date, Israel has still not commenced any ground invasion of Gaza. While Israel, as a nation, may want to avoid any such move, ground realities and long-term objectives may dictate the need for the same in not too distant a future. These objectives will include the destruction of complete Hamas network, military infrastructure, its leadership, and inflicting maximum casualties on its cadres. An undeclared objective may also be the reduction of the refugee population in the area which may ease Israel’s woes in administering the area in the future. 

Will the conflict be restricted to the Gaza Strip and between Israel and Hamas? One thing is certain, that the longer this conflict goes on, greater is the likelihood of it expanding to other parts of the region. Hezbollah is already showing signs of involvement in the West Bank. Iran has sounded warnings to Israel on the targeting of civilians in Gaza. Saudi Arabia has called off peace talks with Israel. Militant elements in countries like Syria, Jordan, and Yemen would be thinking of coming to the aid of their Muslim brethren. Egypt is seriously worried about the refugee influx and has sealed its borders along the Gaza strip. Western nations and the UNO are urging Israel to allow safe corridors for refugees and humanitarian aid without much success. US navy has increased its presence in the area already. Russia and China have come out in support of the Palestinians. Israel seems to be ignoring all this for the time being, and will continue to do so, till it achieves its objectives in the Gaza strip. The million-dollar question is – will the region explode before that happens?

Will there ever be an end to this enmity between Israel and Palestine that has the backing of most of the other Islamic countries in the region? One will have to be extremely naïve to think that peace will prevail in the near future or in next few years. There are many reasons for this gloomy viewpoint. Some of the important ones are:

  • Palestinians, as a nation, have become partners in terror activities and doctrines of Hamas by electing them to power.
  • No Islamic nation in the region wants any Palestinians within their own borders. So, millions of Palestinians, harbouring enmity towards Israel, will continue to live in Gaza and West Bank. Some will be pushed by their mentors to find refuge in western nations to further the cause of Islam. 
  • Most nations in the Middle East will welcome a peace accord with Israel to ensure that the Palestine – Israel conflict does not spill over and knock on their borders. They are not too concerned as long as the fighting is restricted within the borders of Israel and Palestine. They will not jeopardize their trade, technology, and development deals with the West for the sake of Palestine.
  • The Western Block, including the USA, have no choice but to support the continued existence of a strong Israel in the midst of the Arab nations. If that means a continuous conflict in the region, then so be it. On the one hand, they provide financial aid to Palestine with some lip service to highlight their plight in the war against Israel. On the other, they arm Israel and support it in UNO and other international forums.
  • The Soviet Union and China have no option but to appear anti-Israel and pro-Palestine (read Arab nations) as a counter to the Western democratic (and capitalist) world. 
  • Developing nations, led by India, will balance their diplomacy by supporting the Palestinian cause while highlighting the of need for a Jewish state in the same breath. Islamic nations outside the Middle East will profess support for Palestine as part of their Muslim brotherhood. In short, all these nations will be part of the wait and watch club since they have little or no role to play in resolving the conflict.

A solution, whenever it comes, will have to emerge from the will of the people of Israel and Palestine. For this eventuality to take roots, both nations will have to find governments that are led by leaders keen to find solutions and give lessons to their future generations on the importance of coexistence. If Palestine’s fate continues to be in the hands of militant outfits like Hamas and if Israel continues to be governed by hawkish political leaders, peace will continue to elude this region. 

In Israel, a beginning has already been made in this direction in last few years. Today, many in Israel are tired of this long and never-ending conflict of over seven decades. They not only advocate finding peaceful solutions but also talk of improving the plight of the Palestinian people. They realise that for every one Palestinian killed, many new recruits are created for terrorist organisations like the Hamas and Hezbollah. These well-meaning people wish to channelize the brilliant Jewish minds for more productive pursuits for the nation and the humanity as a whole. One can be sure that the number of such people in the nation will only grow with time. 

The question is can such an awakening take place in Palestine and other neighbouring Arab countries? As things stand today, there appears to be no hope. On one side is the fear of the wrath of militant organisations while on the other are the compulsions to follow the dictates of their religion. Both advocate extermination of the Jews and their nation, not only from the region but perhaps from the world itself. Can Palestinians find a way out of this Catch-22 situation and move towards that ever-eluding peace?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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