
Year 1860

Darwin had recently published his theory of evolution. Scientists were pondering over it and trying to make head and tail of it. Everything seemed fine except the suggestion that all the scientists and rest of the human kinds evolved from monkeys.

Monkeys were wonder struck. They were basking in the prospects of having a bright future and soon be humans. But few of the wise monkeys had their doubts. They decided to visit Darwin.

“Good afternoon Mr Darwin. We don’t know how you deducted origin of human race, but we are happy to take the credit. Thank you for making us feel proud.” Monkey leader said.

“Good afternoon my dears. How can I help you?” responded Darwin.

“We are little confused and wish to know why we are still monkeys and why all of us have not evolved into humans.”

“Hmmmmm…..” pondered Darwin. “Well, I have just formulated my theory. Give me some time to figure out the details.”

“Okays. We will come back to hear from you, O wise man.” Monkeys said and left.

Year 2023.

Group of monkeys knocked at the doors of Darwin.

“Oh, please come in.” Darwin was thoughtful. He remembered his earlier meeting with the monkeys and his promise to find out the reason of all monkeys not becoming humans. “I am still not very sure……..”

“Oh, don’t worry” the monkey leader cut him in between. “This time we are here with a different request and a thank you.”

“What request?” Darwin was amused.

“We have been watching humans since centuries. It was okay till there were few of them. We all lived on the planet peacefully. Then the humans started reproducing faster than the rabbits and occupied all of the earth.” Monkey leader offered his perception.

“Yes, I agree. I theorized that species produce more offsprings than can survive and I see humans are out there to prove that theory right.” Darwin agreed.

“And if that was not enough, they started plundering the planet for natural resources. Look at us, we are beautiful without gold or cosmetics. We don’t need petrol to travel. We don’t need coal to keep warm. Humans are robbing the planet they are living on.”

“Can’t agree more.” Darwin said.

Monkey leader continued. “And then humans invented money. That divided them into rich and poor. We monkeys have no money and we all are equal. Then humans started looting and murdering each other for money. As if that was not enough, they created religion that led to further divisions. Now they are killing each other in the name of religion.” Monkey leader was getting breathless.

Darwin just nodded his head, wondering where this conversation was leading to.

“Invention of fire and wheel was life changing, but invention of fire arms was life snatching. Earlier a human would fight a human, now nations fight with each other. They can’t travel to any part of earth without seeking permission. They call themselves intelligent species, but they are out to destroy each other and the planet.” Monkey leader continued. “So here is our request – we are so happy being monkeys, please reconsider your theory of human genesis from monkeys. We don’t want to be the origin of any species that is on self-destruct mode.”

Darwin was left in a pensive mood. He picked up his pen and paper and wrote the heading – Theory of Devolution.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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