Uff! The illusion that AI is



Workplaces (even the virtual ones) are good places to flex your brain muscles. The following content results from yesterday’s conversation with my colleague. Saturday morning laziness has made me pick up a few of his texts without modification.

Generative AI is built on the back of large language models (LLMs). This revolutionary technology has countless applications in document processing, synthetic data generation, data exploration, language translation, summarisation, writing poems and stories, editing tasks, code generation, chatbots, and enhancing customer experience. The list of use cases is limited only by our imagination. No industry and no business function are untouched. After all, this is only a creative speck of the human mind. Those who believe AI will replace human intelligence, please talk to the ones who don’t think so. If I am asked, you will get human intelligence: no, human writing: (open-mouthed stare at the 27-inch monitor with the usual lack of handsomeness)!

LLMs generate text by predicting the next word given the context of the previous sequence of words. The closeness of context is determined numerically by converting words into vectors, which are numerical representations of words. That is the extent to which LLMs understand a language. While I hesitate to state that they ‘understand’ human languages, this is definitely a step forward towards machines mimicking human intelligence. They predict the next word so accurately that it gives the illusion of language understanding. Keep in mind that LLM is not an alternative to Google search. Google search picks from existing content and displays them as results. LLMs actually generate new content. No searching happens.

Similarly, ML models give the illusion of understanding the real world. An ML model can predict the correct output even though it has no clue about the underlying data-generation process. During the model-building process, the model performances are evaluated based on outcomes as available in the training dataset. The problem in finalising the model based on outcomes without understanding the underlying mechanics is that any change in the real world causes some changes to the input. This, in turn, can potentially result in significant changes to outcomes. The finalised model would go out of track completely. Therefore, we see models drifting over time.

LLMs give us the illusion of understanding the language better. They are more stable when differing inputs are used than classical ML models. Classical ML models work on data (mostly numbers), while LLMs work on languages. This comparison between data and language is interesting. Languages are more informative and expressive than numbers. That’s the reason we ultimately prefer to narrate the story hidden in numbers using a language.

The invincible-looking LLMs will fail the moment English grammar rules change, causing modifications in our way of writing (hypothetically). English is just an example. Recreating the training dataset for LLMs will require a few more decades of creating new online content.

It is not too far-fetched to say we are heading towards such a scenario. Relax, grammar rules are not changing! However, we are creating a lot of online text using Generative AI tools. LLMs generate “human-like” text. Only humans can generate human text. When the LLMs need to be re-trained on newer textual data ten years from now, seventy per cent (guessing the number) of the text will be human-like text. Therefore, in the form of LLM outputs, we will soon be reading something which is like human-like. As I always say, nobody has ever experienced the future. The moment the future arrives, it transforms itself into the present. So, let’s wait and see what the “present” holds for us. Only time will tell.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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