
In the twilight of the fading year,

A ballet begins, both delicate and clear.

On the stage of time, a pirouette,

A dance of moments we’ll never forget.


The music of midnight softly plays,

As stars twirl in celestial ballets’ arrays.

The stage is set for the grand debut,

Of a New Year, adorned in hopes anew.


The ballerina, draped in the gown of Time,

Leaps with grace, a rhythm so sublime.

Her arabesque paints the canvas of the night,

A tapestry woven in soft moonlight.


As the clock strikes twelve, the grand jete,

Echoes through the auditorium of fate.

The pas de deux with the past is done,

Embracing a future yet to be spun.


The audience, a sea of dreams aglow,

Cheers for the encore of the midnight show.

Confetti falls like stardust from above,

Welcoming the New Year with boundless love.


In this ballet, resolutions take flight,

As dancers twirl through the shimmering night.

Each plié a promise, each twirl a chance,

To waltz through the year in a joyous dance.


As the final curtain draws near,

December’s ballet, a poignant veneer.

The old year takes its graceful bow,

A retrospective dance, a solemn vow.


And so, in the theater of life, we find,

A new year’s ballet, a gift to the mind.

With each twirl and twist, let joy persevere,

Happy New Year, as the dancers reappear.


The orchestra of time plays on and on,

A symphony of moments until dawn.

The New Year, a prima ballerina fair,

Guides us through a dance beyond compare.


So let us join the ballet of the New Year,

With hearts as light as the atmosphere.

Dance through the days, with steps so light,

Embracing the grace of each moment’s flight.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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