Twenty-fifth anniversary of National security council: Achievements and challenges



The National security council (NSC) marks a significant milestone, celebrating its twenty-five years of existence in its present form. Established on the 16th April 1999 following nuclear tests by India and Pakistan, the NSC emerged from a recognised need for a comprehensive, whole-of-nation approach to address the increasing challenges in an uncertain global landscape. Its primary objective has been to provide authoritative and holistic assessments of India’s security challenges across military, internal security, economic, technological, and external relations domains, encompassing all aspects of Comprehensive National Power, along with well-considered policy options. The NSC evolved into a full-fledged organisation in the last 25 years and now its authority and responsibilities are well defined. 

Noteworthy works by Dr Arvind Gupta and Sri Satish Chandra, who both served as Deputy National Security Advisors (Dy NSAs) during crucial developmental phases, shed light on the NSC’s evolution. A pivotal step in its establishment was the formation of a Task Force chaired by the late Sri K C Pant in April 1998, which studied various NSC models worldwide. The Task Force, with the late Air Commodore Jasjit Singh as Convener and the late Jaswant Singh as a member, recommended a structure suitable for India. This led to the creation of the NSC with its substructures. 

Initially, the JIC was converted into the secretariat of the NSC without any additional staff. The then Principal Secretary to PM late Sri Brijesh Mishra was designated as the National Security Advisor (NSA) in addition to his position and the then Chairman of JIC Sri Satish Chandra was designated as the Secretary of the NSCS. The other two substructures were the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) and the Strategic Policy Group (SPG). While the former comprised independent experts in various fields including retired officials, the latter consisted of the Governor RBI, Secretaries of several key ministries, three chiefs of the armed forces, and intelligence heads with Secretary NSCS as the Member Secretary and chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. The appointment of Sri Mishra as the NSA was critical to enable this organisation to get the full support of the Government during its formative stage. He served as the channel between the NSC and its three structures.  

As the NSCS was preparing to gear up to take up new responsibilities of not only holistically analysing threats and opportunities but also providing well-considered options and overall strategies, it was involved with the tasks connected with the Kargil conflict and the Kargil Review Committee (KRC). The NSCS was pushed to a new task of crisis management. Officers worked till late at night to do justice. Of course, the credit goes to Sri Satish Chandra Secretary/Dy NSA, who kept them at a high level of motivation. Leadership matters even in civilian establishments. His contribution to including all the intelligence available with the JIC in the KRC Report helped in objectively examining the issue of the JIC’s responsibility for the intelligence failure to detect intrusions in 1999. 

The NSCS’s involvement in the Kargil conflict and the KRC elevated the NSCS’s stature within the security apparatus. For the NSCS officials, it was a great opportunity to learn from the KRC Chairman Sri K Subrahmanyam and other members, who debated various issues openly. The publication of the KRC report owes much to Sri Subrahmanyam and Sri Mishra. The NSCS later served as the secretariat of the Group of ministers (GOM)and the Task Forces created to assist the GOM as also to monitor the implementation of recommendations about 350. Later also, the NSCS serviced several task forces.

The GOM’s important recommendations, which were implemented included the creation of the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), Defence Intelligence Agency, Intelligence Coordination Group chaired by the NSA for coordinating the work of intelligence agencies and evaluating their functioning, Multi-Agency Centre/ Subsidiary Multi-Agency Centres etc. Some important recommendations were not implemented like the creation of the position of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), security cadre for manning positions in the security organisations, reduction of colour service in the armed forces and a Maritime Commission as the apex body for coordinating multiple agencies on ocean-related matters. The turf conflict did not allow the implementation of these critical recommendations. While the CDS could be created only in 2020, a National maritime security coordinator was appointed in 2022 and the Agniveer system was recently adopted. The latter allows them to serve for a tenure of four years and after that, they can work in the civilian sector or can continue in the armed forces, if selected.  

NSA’s responsibilities increased over time. Late Sri Mishra was designated as the Special Representative of India for border talks with China and the Head of the Executive Council of Nuclear Command Authority to provide inputs for decision-making by the Political Council chaired by the PM. The National Information Board under the NSA was constituted to deal with disinformation matters.   

The NSAB’s contribution was invaluable. It produced the draft of India’s Nuclear Policy, which was later accepted by the government and the Strategic defence review was the first ever exercise to review the entire defence system. This preceded the Task Force on Defence management. The SPG discussed important issues though the meetings were not very frequent as that depended upon the Cabinet Secretary.  

The NSCS’s responsibilities also increased to aid the NSA. It prepared studies on important issues that included nuclear environment, cross-border terrorism, cyber security, energy security, climate change, water security, national Security index and pandemics. The NSCS was also tasked to examine all the notes for the CCS. The strength of the NSCS was increased. Sri Mishra gave the flexibility to recruit analysts from government organisations and academic institutions. The NSCS was brought under the PMO in 2002- a much needed step to remove dual control. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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