Trying To Eliminate Diversity Will Lead To More Conflicts: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ahead Of WCF



The Art of Living is set to host the fourth World Culture Festival in Washington in the United States from September 29 to October 1, which will be attended by several world leaders. Speaking at the curtain raiser event, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living, said it would be a historic event and send a message that the whole world is one family.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar further said that trying to eliminate diversity would lead to “creating more conflicts”. “Diversity is what creates happiness and beauty in the world. If we try to eliminate diversity, then we are mistaken. We are then creating more conflicts,” he said.

In his address, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar asserted that our dream should be to see a world moving away from all types of conflicts — both internal and external.

“Music, dance is that external harmony that leads us to internal harmony, which is meditation. Peace is not the absence of conflict but it is a positive state of our consiousness,” he said.

“Maintaining inner peace and being dynamic outside and putting 100 per cent in whatever we do is what Art of Living is all about,” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar further said.

The event, which is being held under the theme of “One World Family”, will see the participation of two lakh people, heads of State, thought leaders and artists.

As per a press statement by Art of Living, the reception committee includes former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth, Eighth Secretary-General of the UN Ban Ki-Moon, former US Speaker Nancy Pelosi etc.

While Ban Ki-moon will give the opening remarks at the event, it will also see inspiring speeches from Secretary General of the Muslim World League Dr Abdul Karim Al-Issa, former President Ram Nath Kovind and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, ANI reported.

Speaking ahead of the festival, secretary general of the Muslim World League Dr Abdul Karim Al-Issa said, “The festival promotes friendship and cooperation between nations and people. My journey has always been driven by the mission to bridge divides and promote true Islam that is anchored in peace, love and unity. Both the festival and our endeavours at the Muslim World League remind us that despite our diverse backgrounds, we all share common values, dreams and aspirations.”

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of the US said the festival would celebrate our diversity. “Diversity is our strength and unity our power. We are going to be unified and celebrating our diversity, culture, roots, heritage and the festival will be an opportunity to do so,” he said.

Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium Petra De Sutter said in divisive times, the festival celebrates cultural diversity in all its aspects.

“The festival spreads an important message that there is so much strength in togetherness. It is easy to focus on our differences. What sets us apart is sometimes more visible that what brings us together. But by looking at what connects us, we can achieve much more. Even our greatest differences, can be a great enrichment. Respect for human rights and for each other are my guiding lines,” she said.


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