
From Doubt to Self-Assured!
Trust is a delicate dance that we engage in throughout our lives. We trust others, we trust the world around us, but one of the most profound and yet challenging forms of trust is self-trust. It’s the unwavering belief in our own abilities, decisions, and intuition.

Learning to trust yourself is a journey that can transform your life. Trusting yourself is a foundational pillar of personal growth and well-being. It’s the cornerstone upon which we build our self-esteem, make important decisions, and ultimately lead a fulfilling life. However, for many, self-trust doesn’t come naturally and may even seem elusive. The good news is that it’s a skill you can develop and nurture over time. In this journey to self-trust, let’s explore the steps to start trusting yourself more fully.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, often known as “Captain Cool,” was a small-town boy who rose to become one of the most successful cricket captains in India’s history. His journey involved facing criticism and doubts about his unconventional captaincy style.
Dhoni’s self-trust was always evident in his calm demeanour and unconventional decision-making on the cricket field. He believed in his instincts and stayed true to his leadership style, ultimately leading India to numerous victories, including the 2007 ICC World Twenty20 and the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup.

Your Starting Point!
Trusting yourself requires vulnerability. It means acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, embracing your imperfections, and allowing yourself to be open to growth. When you’re willing to be vulnerable and accept your authentic self, you pave the way for deeper self-trust.
To begin your journey towards self-trust, take a moment to reflect on your past experiences. Identify instances when you doubted yourself or ignored your intuition and the outcomes that followed. Use these reflections as valuable lessons, understanding that your inner wisdom often knows what’s best for you. By acknowledging these past experiences, you can start to recognize patterns and make more informed decisions in the future.

Trusting yourself begins with knowing yourself. Take the time to explore your values, beliefs, and desires. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness is like a compass that guides you towards self-trust. Journaling, meditation, or therapy can be valuable tools in this self-discovery process.

Kangana Ranaut, known for her versatile acting, hails from a small town in Himachal Pradesh. She arrived in Mumbai with a dream of becoming an actress but faced rejection and criticism from the film industry.

Kangana’s journey is marked by her unwavering self-trust and determination. She believed in her talent and refused to conform to industry norms. Despite numerous challenges, both in her personal and professional life, she carved her own path in Bollywood and became a critically acclaimed actress, earning multiple National Film Awards.

Accept yourself!
Embrace your imperfections. Nobody is perfect, and that includes you. Recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of being human. Instead of dwelling on your flaws, learn from them. Each misstep is an opportunity for growth. As you become more accepting of your imperfections, you’ll find it easier to trust yourself because you’ll know that even when you stumble, you can get back up.

Self-trust is closely linked to self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself when you make mistakes or face setbacks. Understand that everyone makes errors, and these experiences are opportunities for growth, not reasons to lose faith in yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a friend facing a similar situation. When you make a mistake or face a setback, resist the urge to be overly critical. Instead, practice self-compassion by acknowledging your feelings and reassuring yourself that you are doing your best.

Set realistic expectations. It’s important to set achievable goals and expectations for yourself. Unrealistic expectations can lead to self-doubt and erode self-trust. Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate your progress along the way, no matter how small it may seem. This positive reinforcement will help build your self-trust over time. One of the common barriers to self-trust is setting unrealistically high expectations for yourself. Understand that perfection is an unattainable goal, and mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Setting achievable goals and being realistic about your abilities can help you build trust in your capacity to accomplish them.

Trusting Your Instincts.
Listen to your intuition. Your intuition is a powerful tool when it comes to self-trust. It’s that gut feeling, that inner voice that often knows what’s best for you. To start trusting yourself, pay attention to your intuition. Begin with small decisions and gradually work your way up to bigger ones. Over time, you’ll build confidence in your ability to make intuitive choices.

Surround yourself with support. Building self-trust can be a challenging journey, and it’s okay to seek support along the way. Share your goals and struggles with trusted friends, family members, or therapist. They can provide valuable insights and encouragement that can bolster your self-trust. Trusting yourself doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Seek feedback and support from trusted friends, family members, or mentors. Surrounding yourself with people who believe in your abilities, can reinforce your self-trust. Constructive feedback can also help you refine your decisions and actions.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for developing self-trust. It involves being present in the moment without judgment. Through mindfulness practices like meditation or simply paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, you can gain insights into your inner world. You will understand the reasons behind why you act a certain way or why you think a certain way, basically you will understand the basis of all your decisions. This awareness can help you make choices that align with your true self and values rather than a spontaneous reaction based on justifying yourself.

Cultivate self-confidence. Confidence and self-trust go hand in hand. Engage in activities that boost your self-esteem and confidence. Whether it’s acquiring new skills, setting and achieving goals, or practicing positive self-talk, these actions will help you believe in your abilities.

Celebrate Yourself!
Learn from your successes. Just as you learn from your mistakes, take time to reflect on your successes. Acknowledge the times when you trusted yourself and it paid off. Acknowledge the strength and courage, with which you handled stressful moments and challenging environments. Remembering these moments will reinforce your belief in your abilities. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledging your achievements boosts your self-esteem and reinforces the idea that you can trust yourself to accomplish your goals. These celebrations serve as positive feedback loops, encouraging you to continue believing in your capabilities.

Keep Promises to Yourself. Building self-trust is like building trust in any other relationship. Keep the promises you make to yourself, no matter how small they may seem. When you consistently follow through on your commitments, you send a message to your inner self that you are reliable and trustworthy. This should be practiced daily, as consistency is the key to achieve greatness.

Be patient with yourself. Trusting yourself is a lifelong journey. It’s normal to have moments of self-doubt even after you’ve made progress. Be patient and understanding with yourself during these times. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come and that self-trust is an ongoing process. Developing self-trust is a lifelong journey, not a one-time event and certainly, it won’t happen overnight. Be patient with yourself and understand that setbacks and moments of doubt are a natural part of the process. Trust-building is a marathon, not a sprint, so keep moving forward, even when progress seems slow.

Embrace uncertainty. Life is inherently uncertain, and learning to trust yourself doesn’t mean you’ll always have all the answers. Embrace the unknown and be open to learning and adapting as you go. Trusting yourself means having the confidence to navigate uncertain waters.

Priyanka Chopra Jonas, former Miss World, transitioned from the world of beauty pageants to Bollywood and eventually to Hollywood. Her journey was marked by fierce determination and a strong belief in her abilities, despite being an outsider in both industries.

Priyanka’s journey reflects her self-trust and resilience. She trusted herself to break through cultural and industry barriers, working hard to prove her talent. Her global success as an actress, singer, and producer is a testament to her unwavering self-belief. Her constant willingness to keep learning and improving along the way is a salute to self-love.

An act of self-love!
Starting to trust yourself is a profound act of self-love and empowerment. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. It requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and a commitment to self-improvement. By practicing self-trust daily, you’ll not only enhance your self-esteem but also create a more fulfilling and authentic life in which you can confidently pursue your dreams and aspirations. Remember, self-trust is the key that unlocks the door to a brighter and more empowered future. As you follow these steps and gradually build self-trust, you’ll find that you’re better equipped to make empowering decisions, face challenges head-on, and live abundantly.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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