Towards Sustainable Energy: The paradigm shift and role of clean fossil fuels



The idea of energy transition signifies a global movement away from conventional, carbon- heavy energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas toward cleaner and more sustainable alternatives. A crucial facet of this shift involves the cultivation and utilization of clean fossil fuels—fossil fuels that have undergone advanced technologies and processes to diminish their environmental impact.

Before the industrial revolution in the 18th century, energy consumption primarily relied on muscular and biomass sources. Manual labour and animals provided the bulk of the work, while biomass, particularly firewood, served heating and cooking purposes. Wind and watermills were utilized but played minor roles and were specific to particular functions, like milling flour. The industrial revolution, around the mid-19th century, marked a significant change in energy sources, notably the widespread adoption of coal, primarily for steam engines and increasingly for power plants. The utilization of thermal energy to generate mechanical energy catalysed this transformation, largely concentrated in regions proximate to coal fields.

As the 20th century commenced, reliance shifted gradually from coal to higher energy-yielding sources, notably oil. This transition introduced internal combustion engines and oil-powered ships, marking a notable shift in energy sources. By the late 20th century, petroleum products dominated as the primary energy provider, establishing a vast distribution system that included pipelines, storage tanks, and liquid bulk carriers. Enhanced technical expertise led to more efficient fossil fuel sources like natural gas, while nuclear fission emerged as a new energy form.

Despite the emergence of renewable energy sources like hydroelectric, wind, and solar power, their contributions remained marginal. The 21st century is poised for substantial shifts in energy sources, moving away from fossil fuels like coal and oil (decarbonization) toward more efficient ones like natural gas. Biotechnological advancements signal the potential of biomass-derived fuels, and wind and solar energy are gaining prominence. The role of nuclear energy, particularly if nuclear fusion becomes commercially viable, remains speculative. Another transition on the horizon is the use of hydrogen, primarily for fuel cells in vehicles, small energy generators, and portable devices

The evolution of energy development across time has been characterized by following three pivotal trends.

Transitioning from High-Carbon to Low-Carbon Energy Sources:

Historically, humanity heavily relied on high-carbon fossil fuels like coal, crude oil, and natural gas. However, these fuels possess a high carbon content per unit of energy produced, contributing substantially to carbon emissions. The shift has been towards non-fossil or renewable energy sources, including hydropower, wind power, nuclear energy, and solar energy. These sources are considered low-carbon or carbon-free, generating minimal carbon emissions during energy production. This transition is geared towards mitigating pollutants and carbon emissions, aligning with green and sustainable development objectives while addressing pressing environmental concerns.

Transformation from Primitive to Technological Energy Production Methods:

Early energy consumption relied on direct sourcing of wood from natural environments to fulfil basic heating and energy requirements. With advancements in coal mining and subsequent oilfield development, the role of engineering technology became increasingly significant. The energy sector has witnessed a steady ascent in technological sophistication. This trend is evident in the exploration of new energy resources such as nuclear, wind, solar, and hydraulic fracturing, all heavily reliant on cutting-edge engineering and technological solutions.

Pre-Industrial to Industrial Era:

The advent of steam engines in 1769 and internal combustion engines in 1875 broadened energy applications to power generation. This transition marked the conversion of energy into mechanical work, fostering industrial growth. Michael Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831 paved the way for using energy in electric power generation. This breakthrough led to the era of electrification, diversifying energy applications and facilitating the growth of electrical technologies. The transition from singular energy use to diverse energy transformations reflects a paradigm shift in energy utilization, triggering technological advancements and reshaping societal operations. Governments worldwide are increasingly acknowledging the critical significance of renewable energy, and have introduced a range of incentive programs to encourage private sector investment in clean energy projects. These programs include:

Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs): FiTs guarantee renewable energy producers a premium rate for the electricity they generate and feed into the grid. This approach incentivizes the development of renewable energy projects by providing a reliable revenue stream.

Tax Credits and Deductions: Tax incentives, such as investment tax credits (ITCs) or production tax credits (PTCs), provide financial benefits to individuals and businesses that invest in renewable energy technologies. These credits reduce the cost of renewable energy projects and make them more financially attractive.

Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) or Renewable Energy Standards (RES): These policies mandate that a certain percentage of a region’s electricity must come from renewable sources. Utilities are required to meet these standards by either generating renewable energy or purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from renewable energy producers. RPS/RES policies create a demand for renewable energy generation.

International Agreements: International agreements and commitments, like the Paris Agreement, have played a crucial role in fostering global cooperation to combat climate change. The Paris Agreement, signed by numerous countries, sets targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): Under the Paris Agreement, countries submit NDCs outlining their specific goals and action plans to reduce emissions. These commitments often include targets for expanding renewable energy capacity.

Global Climate Funds: International climate finance mechanisms, such as the Green Climate Fund, provide financial assistance to developing nations to support their transition to renewable energy and adapt to climate change.

Clean fossil fuels, along with renewables and other low-carbon technologies, play a crucial role in minimizing the environmental impact of fossil fuel use during the energy transition. The energy transition involves a comprehensive shift toward sustainable and low-carbon energy sources, while clean fossil fuels represent a bridge technology to reduce emissions and environmental impacts associated with traditional fossil fuels. Both concepts are essential components of global efforts to combat climate change and achieve a more sustainable energy future.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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