
Let me ask you a question. What, according to you, is the biggest temptation for human beings? Also, which is the most irresistible one?

A few answers to this question could be sweets, money, drink, etc. However, to my understanding, “the love for an additional five minutes of sleep when you are supposed to get up early in the morning” is a humongous temptation to resist! The alarm bell sounds like the worst enemy one has, and the snooze button plays the role of the most loved friend! If you resonate with these feelings, you will get more value from the paragraphs below.

It is very natural for people to have a strong desire to remain inactive and lull in the cosy comfort of their bed. The reason is that the day ahead has a lot of action, and you don’t wish to miss the luxury of this lazy joy and inaction all through the day! Hence, your inner self strives to steal a few more moments of restful comfort for you in the wee hours.

What did we say above? “Luxury of inaction?” This idea can be a potential threat and a bottleneck on the path to success. It is stated that “discipline” is the primary step towards progress. I know of a person called Laddu Pinto, a lazy brat. He is not moving ahead in his career, nor does he ever get up on time. He does not express any enthusiasm or passion about the world of full consciousness. Anyone who knows him closely can tell he is missing some marvellous treasures of life.

One must learn the art of getting excited about basic abilities, like speaking, waking up, breathing, blinking, etc. All these are some or other kinds of ‘actions’ that consume our living space. Doing what “we must” is the outcome of the ability to make oneself do whatever is necessary at the moment! Please read the last sentence twice and think about it.

Well, friends, the ruthless fact is that this world does not care if you stop, sleep or rust. No one will ever be bothered if you are active and moving ahead in life or inching into the tunnel of attitude insolvency! You are yourself responsible for your growth. Your instinct must be to start now and get into action if you wish to create miracles. Even if your goals and aspirations seem daunting and unachievable, you must at least do what you can within your limitations! Action is essential for growth and success. If nothing seems possible, start reading something positive. Bring some change to your daily routine. Take a stroll. Do not allow negativity and lethargy to destroy the possibilities of your performance.

Suppose you have been caught up in the confusing mesh of negativity, fear, inaction or procrastination. In that case, it is time for you to commit this to yourself today: “I will never delay what I can”. People who do not “act” feel scared. On the contrary, those who are in the vibration of activities and creativity live confidently.

Living life to the fullest is the act of doing the best you can in any given situation. You are deceiving yourself if you are performing any less than your best. Human beings, by nature, are enterprising. See, even if you do nothing, your nails grow, your hair grows, you grow in height and whatnot. Life never stands still; it’s like a piece of agricultural land – if you do nothing, there is still growth, but the weeds spread around in this case.

Let us have a positive attitude to do activities and work to deliver our full potential to anything and everything. A lesson we can learn from the Ant. Ants never quit. They never stop and are always in action. If you stop it from moving in one direction, it will deflect itself and find a way out.

“Learning is the beginning of being wise; action is the proof of having acquired wisdom”. It’s time to switch from ‘wanting to stay dull in the warmth of your bed’ to ‘jumping in excitement of a joyful and energetic day ahead’.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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