
Actor trainer and performance researcher Devendranath Sankaranarayanan is the course director of Basic Acting for Children at the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. In town for a workshop at Thamp Arangu, he talks about the core of outstanding performances, the crucial exercises that produce them, and the new crop of trained actors in Malayalam cinema, among other things. Excerpts:

What is acting and what makes one a good actor?

There is no good actor or bad actor. There are only actors. The only prerequisite is that he/she should be sensible. A person sensible enough would be able to perform effectively in any given circumstanceson stage, in front of the camera, or in real life. An actor cannot upend this logic and common sense.
Unlike it is often said, acting is not faking. We should rather link the word meaning with performance. Effective acting is the sum total of a series of sensible actions perfectly in sync with the given circumstances of the character. The effective actor believes in his character, believes in his actions, and makes others believe in the character he plays.

Can you explain the role of training in the performance of actors?

Training is not teaching. The role of a trainer in the professional career of an actor is that of a facilitator. The trainer helps the actor explore the hidden possibilities in the actor. Unlike the training in the armed forces, where soldiers are trained to act like one single unit, actors are trained not to be like others. Instead, the trainer helps the actor to break his barriers or blocks while being true to himself. A good actor is often said to be the one who acts without leaving a trace of acting in the minds of the audience. It requires enormous flexibility, and it stems from the actor’s basic urge to perform. I often say that a training session is a process wherein an actor can find out the multiple possibilities of his own flexibility.

What do you think about the new crop of trained actors in Malayalam cinema?

Unlike in the past, a lot of new-age actors in Malayalam cinema have undergone formal training in acting. Impressed by the impact these trained actors make on the screen, a lot many others also now recognize the importance of training. No new film projects in Malayalam hit the floor these days without a few days of actor training. The trend has picked up only because people in the film field have become aware of the impact of such training sessions on the overall quality of films. Many popular actors now avail the service of facilitator trainers to break their own mould. The best part is that such actors know how to extract what they want from the trainer. Such sessions could be challenging and tiring, and I have experienced it personally. An amazing crop of new actors is emerging in theatre as well but since the theatre is not as popular a medium as cinema, only those who are exposed to the theatre can recognize it.

Untrained actors too blossom over the years…

Learning is what happens during training. Learning can happen during formal training or from personal experience over the years. It is the accumulated learning experience of an artist that helps him to transcend his usual performing self and come up with stellar performances. Perfect learning would help one to practise any act, including acting, perfectly and effortlessly. It could happen over the years of hard work and rote learning or through systematic training at a comparatively shorter period. By the time a person learns how to act or perform his work effortlessly, he would have mastered the task. Systematic training would help one to break the barriers and learn more quickly whereas self-learning could be a more arduous journey.

Actor training can be an intensive experience…

I am an actor by training and a trainer by orientation. Actor training using theatre is something that we can apply in any field to help people sense and explore their true potential. I do a lot of training programmes for children, teachers, and elderly people, besides theatre and film actors.

The changes in the people who undergo acting training are as exciting as a play production as far as I am concerned. If it happens over weeks and months in theatre, it happens every minute in training sessions. Once you facilitate people with the right inputs, they will unwind themselves, relax, and find out ways to conduct themselves more effectively and effortlessly. I love such magical moments.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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