The weird weather of climate politics



At the turn of the year, a Guardian headline ruefully proclaimed that the world would look back at 2023 as the year humanity exposed its inability to tackle the climate crisis. Indeed, despite intensifying real-world evidence on climate change-induced extreme weather events devastating communities worldwide, the policy response across most countries has ranged from tepid incrementalism to outright denialism.

It underscores the weird dissonance in contemporary climate politics wholly divorced from the science and urgency of the existential threat facing humanity. Further, as if a reminder that the worst is yet to come, a contender for the apex political office in the US in 2024 outrightly claims the climate change agenda is a hoax and promises to pull the nation out of the Paris Agreement if elected. This is in a year featuring the hottest summer on record and when Reliefweb has linked at least 12,000 deaths worldwide to extreme weather events, a staggering 30% hike over the previous one!

Today, incidences of floods, wildfires, cyclones, landslides, and droughts amplified by erratically changing climatic conditions and limited adaptation capabilities at the grassroots level are realities that vulnerable communities worldwide live with daily. However, the deep state of denial, as exemplified by Donald Trump downplaying climate change dangers and pledging to roll back energy efficiency measures if elected and the massive social media disinformation campaign in the wake of COP28 to falsify climate change, seems incredulous though unsurprising given the fossil fuel patronage financing political careers and disinformation steering voter preferences.

However, even amidst the gloom, the silver lining abounds, indicating what adequate political will and enlightened policymaking can achieve for the climate. Groundbreaking developments like the EU enacting legislation that bans imports of commodities and products linked to deforestation, the Inflation Reduction Act in the US facilitating unprecedented clean energy investments domestically, and the adoption of the UN High Seas Treaty pledging to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 indicates that all was not lost on the climate frontier in 2023. These contradictions indicate the winds of change, making denialist positions less tenable in the future. Hopefully, as extreme events worsen and green industries expand their influence, climate action will move centre stage faster than predicted.

But the question is whether the transition will happen soon enough. Because, at the moment, time is a luxury the world does not have. Broken Record, a report published by the UN Environmental Program in Nov 2023, found emission reduction pledges by governments under the Paris Agreement to be inadequate, setting the world on a scorching track of at least 2.5°C rise in mercury above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century, grossly overshooting the accepted limit of 1.5°C. Further, the study found that none of the G20 nations are reducing emissions at a pace consistent with their net-zero target. IPCC AR6 report adds to this, noting that some climate impacts are already beyond mitigation and implores a systemwide transformation to drive a non-negotiable shift from fossil fuels.

With Aon reporting natural catastrophes causing economic damages to the tune of USD 313 billion in 2022 and 2023 figures still in computation, such studies indicate only a darker descent for humankind in the days ahead. But, despite the escalating climate losses, governments continue to massively invest taxpayer funds globally into fossil fuel projects and subsidies annually compared to renewables, indicating the monumental lag in climate policy realignment with ground realities. IMF reports that in 2022, USD 7 trillion was allocated towards fossil fuel subsidies. Interestingly, Mongabay analyzed that 82% of the funds were paid as implicit subsidies, undercharging environmental costs and waiving consumption taxes. The rest is paid as explicit subsidies, allowing operations below supply costs. In comparison, public money directed towards renewable energy proliferation in the same year was only USD 486 billion!

Here, the hope rests with the slowly expanding electoral influence of communities facing direct climate impact to secure legislative and policy accountability. While climate and sustainability issues widely feature in policy discussions, it is still unclear if voters reward politicians who champion climate policies. A case in point is the 2023 New Zealand General Elections, where the centre-left Labour Party, led by Chris Hipkins, lost ground to the National Party, led by Christopher Luxon, despite proposing more robust climate action plans. However, the Council on Foreign Relations observes that green parties are emerging globally as a political force to reckon with to shape the climate change debate towards more sustainable and human directions. For instance, in Germany, they hold top positions in the government, including the foreign ministry and have been instrumental in mobilizing support for Ukraine against Russia.

Also, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent weaponization of gas supplies to Europe in a world that has been coming to terms with the pandemic-induced disruptions of the past couple of years indicates the shifting sands of energy geopolitics. However, it also provides significant traction, realigning policy actions towards renewable alternatives. As Europe faced a particularly harsh winter in 2023 due to the shortfall of about 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas otherwise imported from Russia, the transition to clean energy became a policy imperative in Europe and elsewhere. The Inflation Reduction Act in the US, the REPowerEU plan in Europe and the GX Green Transformation programme in Japan are a few examples of policymakers taking resolute action to address the energy transition question. Such is the gravity of the situation that even the Gulf monarchies that have historically been hydrocarbon superpowers are targeting net zero emissions domestically through mega clean infrastructure. For instance, UAE plans to meet 30% of its energy demands using renewable and nuclear options by 2030. Similarly, as part of Saudi Vision 2030, the kingdom has embarked on an initiative to diversify its energy mix, with at least half coming from renewable sources by the end of this decade. Projects like the 400MW Dumat Al Jandal Wind Farm, 300MW Sakaka Solar Power Plant and the Neom Green Hydrogen Solar PV Project form part of that ambitious reform plan.

However, climate is too critical an issue to be left to the discretion of the policymakers and bureaucrats alone. Historically, civil society and businesses have been the vanguard of climate advocacy and have kept the pressure mounting on governments perpetually paralyzed by short-term fossil fuel interests and climate denialist voters. Unsurprisingly, the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer found that global businesses are perceived as the most trusted intuitions and the vanguard of the common good, ranking much ahead of governments and public agencies. The Climate Pledge manifests that trust, bringing together 400+ global businesses across industries to resolve the climate crisis and decarbonize economies by 2040. While activists argue these corporate climate commitments remain filled with caveats and arbitrary timelines, their influence to expand climate policy imagination and momentum in conjunction with bottom-up pressure from society prioritizing climate security and accountability cannot be overlooked.

Fundamentally, the dissonance between visual climate turmoil playing out through extreme weather events worldwide and the political procrastination retaining economic dependence on fossil fuels remains alarming. However, grassroots citizen activism, legal challenges towards governments, and rising cost competitiveness of renewables all indicate the directional transition underway despite systemic resistance. Policy laggards currently hostage to special interests also stand increasingly isolated in denying the visibly unravelling climate crisis and public opinion tilting towards accountability and solutions. Despite this, due to the profound structural barriers, climate policy weirdness (or indifference) looks set to get far worse before being overwhelmed by collective action to contain global temperatures below danger levels.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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