
My article for the week is done. “Done” is a misnomer. There are various categories of done. First, the one where minor editing is needed to the words and sentence structures to improve clarity. Second, where I must modify the order of thoughts. Third, where I have the skeleton ready. Fourth, where I must scrap the topic altogether and start writing on a new one. I am in the fourth category. While I was ‘done’ with this article, a LinkedIn notification popped up on my phone. Unable to hold my curiosity back, I outstretch and check the phone. One of my connects had posted consolidated lists of all things about LLMs. There were terminologies, types, providers, management tools for fine-tuning, RAG, evaluation techniques, frameworks for interacting with them, vector databases, modality, agents, tools, software used for deployment, and monitoring tools. The list goes on. How can you not go through it immediately?

There is the demo and review meeting tomorrow with my supervisor of the LLM-based application that the team is developing. The error I got the last time I worked on it hovers in my mind. I have been subconsciously looking for its solution the whole time. I describe the error to ChatGPT and ask for a possible fix. It turns out that I would have been better off without it. I knew ChatGPT was creative. That day, I saw it was creative. It came up with a Python method that never existed and confidently suggested I use it. Somebody should teach LLMs to say ‘no’. I get a reminder from my Outlook calendar to work on content I promised my colleague two days ago. I decline the 1630h meeting. That gives me a solid 30 minutes to focus on fixing the Python code. I am confident (almost) on the talking points for my next webinar on Gen AI. However, the slides must be created and shared with the organisers. I started reading four books in parallel a month ago (The Learning Trap, Statistics Without Tears, The Molecule of More, and HBR’s 10 Must Reads On AI). I must focus on writing and publishing my next book as well. I am ‘done’ with the task of collecting images for it. I have finalised twelve images. Thirteen to go. One must not let a hobby die. I am not talking about collecting images! Wait a moment! Are you saying I am not supposed to have the many ghosts of negative feelings and emotions? They are very much there. They are embedded into my Natural Neural Networks (NNN).

In today’s world, with so many things happening around us, the flow of information is unstructured. The rate at which we receive, the format of content, the channel, and the content itself are highly dynamic. The sources of learning are many. With a two-year-old (and a wife) around, it is impossible to get a stretch of a few hours at a time to read hundreds of pages of the four books I started reading. Gone are the days when I considered reading a book to be done only after reading the last line of the book’s last page. During school days, I would start answering an exercise at the end of a chapter and complete it before moving to anything else. Even if the teacher did not mandate the exercise. Talk about high scorers! That was probably possible because the scoring was the only thing I did. We don’t have that luxury now. We must browse through at least five textbooks (3 online), two YouTube videos, and three MOOCs. That is not for learning one subject or one chapter. Instead, it is for one concept within a chapter. We learn from listening to colleagues’ presentations, client feedback, programming bugs that delay our demo by three days, and online forums such as Towards Data Science and Stack Overflow. I have learned from the questions the audience asks.

I believe that instead of trying to fix the chaos of information exchange, we should adapt to it. Even if it makes us more chaotic (or dynamic if you prefer a fancier word). This might be just my take on the subject. I have seen value in the chaos. I have found solace in the chaos. I have learned more from the chaos than I ever did thirty years ago. The world is not ideal. My life is not ideal. Probably, they will never be. Now, back to the article. Give me a moment. Somebody is at the door.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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