The tectonic plates of European politics are shifting and the development is at its inflection point



2024 will turn out to be a decisive year for democracy as two of the largest democratic regions will be holding elections. As soon as India is done with its elections, the European Union will hold elections between 6–9 June 2024, when millions of Europeans will participate in shaping the future of European democracy. It will be a unique moment in the world history when 2 billion people will collectively decide the respective future of India and the European Union. India has approximately 1.4 billion inhabitants and the European Union’s population has touched the figure of 500 million.

A few weeks ago, a Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, surprised the Europeans by making his far-right party the largest in the Netherlands. Geert Wilders’ far-right, anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV) won 37 seats out of 150, making it the largest party in the Dutch parliament. This electoral contest and its reverberations are now raising eyebrows all over Europe.

Especially the coming European Union elections due in six months is making people nervous. Geert Wilder’s political stance is not an exception, but rather becoming a norm now. In Austria they, too, have the Austrian Freedom Party led by Harald Vilimsky, in Italy Matteo Salvini is the Italian League leader, France’s far-right party leader is Marine Le Pen, who heads the National Rally, previously known as the National Front, in Sweden, the far-right party, Sverigedemokraterna is headed by Jimmie Åkesson, and in Germany the second largest party now in the polls is the AFD, Alternative für Deutschland. Demokratische Partei.

The list could be long but it illustrates that the far-right parties are increasingly getting popular among voters who want to see some substantial changes. Take for instance Sweden which now has the highest crime rate in Northern Europe. In just a decade, Sweden has metamorphosed from being one of the most serene areas of the world to having one of the highest levels of fatal shootings in Europe. Criminal gangs, often run by second-generation immigrants, are killing innocent bystanders while trying to liquidate rival gang members. Sverigedemokraternas’ demand for tougher immigration laws gave good elections results to Sverigedemokraterna.

But what explains the surge of Geert Wilders’ party, which was polling on lesser figures before October 7, and the elections held afterwards gave totally shocking results. October 7 was the date when Hamas attacked Israel and took hostages.

The reason is the belligerent and aggressive anti-Israel demonstrations, occurring almost all weekends, when thousands if not hundreds of thousands of second- and first-generation immigrants with Muslim background marched through the European capitals demanding a change in the stance of their governments.

The silent majority, especially the older generation, have felt vulnerable and those wanting to join demonstrations in support of Israel and against Hamas have felt compelled to refrain from participating. They feel intimidated by the sheer number of surging masses on the streets blocking all traffic, demanding and protesting regularly.

Many Europeans feel that the border control does not exist and the figures given by the European Union on illegal migration are misleading. Approximately, 2.4 million people emigrated to European countries in 2022 and irregular migrants and refugees numbering hundreds of thousands have crossed the borders every year. People are unwilling to believe the figures shown to them and there is almost an atmosphere of panic because it is assumed that the new immigrants are not assimilating or integrating themselves in their respective societies.

The massive demonstrations in Paris, London and Berlin in support of Gaza and against Israel are seen as signs of what is awaiting Europe when the silent minority once becomes a majority. A couple of years ago, the Pew Institute estimated that 8.8% of French residents were Muslim, and similar figures can be expected in Sweden and Germany but slightly less in UK. Most Europeans are getting fewer children. In several European cities, there are more women without children at the age of 30 than with children. But the statistics of newly arrived immigrants is different. More than half of all schoolchildren in the German city of Hamburg are from migrant families. Children of Swedish parents are a minority in most of the schools in Malmø.

The fast speed of migration is not the only source of discontent among European voters. Geert Wilders also promised to cut the military funds to Ukraine and does not want Europe to fight endless wars draining European economy. Far-right parties are also agitating for better housing for their own populations and better welfare for their ageing populations.

Europe will have to fix its house and more so its borders. If this does not happen soon, expect the far-right parties of Europe to become the mainstream parties of the future.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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