
In a world where seasons once held sway,
Now stands a climate in disarray,
The Earth, our home, is in perilous plight,
As we awaken to the changing fight.

In a world where nature’s beauty thrives,
A crisis looms, our very lives,
Climate change, a pressing plight,
Calls for action, day and night.

The Earth, our home, in peril stands,
As warming spreads across the lands,
The ice caps melt, the oceans rise,
A stark reality before our eyes.

A warming globe, a melting ice,
A challenge that demands our sacrifice,
From polar bears to coral reefs so fair,
Our actions weigh on the world we share.

From pole to pole, from shore to shore,
The signs of change, we can’t ignore,
The storms grow stronger, wildfires rage,
A planet in an escalating stage.

The carbon footprint, a shadow cast,
From industries that grew too fast,
But in our hands, the power lies,
To heal the Earth beneath the skies.

But hope remains, in hearts and minds,
For solutions, we must each find,
To mend the damage we have sown,
To heal the Earth, our only home.

Let’s plant the trees, embrace the sun,
And to our children, be the one,
Who made the choice to change the tide,
To protect the Earth, our greatest pride.

Reducing waste, conserving might,
Each step we take, in the name of right,
For in unity, we find our strength,
To combat climate change at length.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle too,
Conserve our resources, it’s what we must do,
Plant trees, clean air, protect the seas,
For a sustainable future, we all must agree.

Let’s seek new energy from the wind,
Harness the rays that the sun has pinned,
Innovation, hope, and care,
Can mend the world we’re bound to share.

So, as we face this urgent quest,
To leave a planet at its best,
Let’s stand together, hand in hand,
And heal the Earth, and protect the land.

For in the face of climate’s call,
It’s time to rise, to stand up tall,
To safeguard the world, both near and far,
A brighter future, like a shining star.

Let’s join our hands, unite as one,
For the battle’s not completely lost or won,
In the face of this crisis, we’ll arrange,
A world where climate change, we’ll change.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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