
Even a Hindu Rashtra can be for everyone living in Hindustan. Look at Mahatma’s concept of trusteeship

With more than a touch of benevolent patriarchism befitting the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi anointed the rich as the ‘trustees’ of the nation as a whole, endowing capitalism with the saving grace of compassion, and making economic Darwinism stand on its head in an aasan of moral yoga in which the powerful protect the powerless. Can such an altruistic Gandhian precept be extended as an assurance of minority rights being preserved and protected in India? Some powerful forces want India to be a Hindu Rashtra, in much the same way as in UK, where the monarch is also the head of the Church of England. Many constituents of EU are avowedly Christian nations. EU’s charter implies its Christian orientation, which is perhaps one of the reasons why Türkiye still hasn’t got membership of the bloc.

The enormous goodwill Lotus party has earned, following the building of Ram Mandir, has prompted it to proclaim its electoral rallying call of bagging over 370 Lok Sabha seats. For some commentators, this tally would be one more step towards getting countrywide legislative heft for amending the Constitution, by removing from it the words ‘secular’ and ‘socialist’, which were inserted in 1976 by Indira Gandhi.

Should that happen, will it further invigorate majoritarian assertiveness as manifested by self-appointed gau rakshaks and ‘love jihad’ vigilantism? Or, having had its upper hand ratified by constitutional mandate, might saffron supremacy be tempered by tolerance, born from the magnanimity that ought to go hand in hand with victory?

If the Holy Grail of a Hindu Rashtra is secured, will the Ram Rajya embrace not just a single community but the larger community that is all of Hindustan?

That would be a trusteeship of which Bapu would unconditionally approve. But perhaps even more importantly, it would win the wholehearted endorsement of Maryada Purushottam, the Ideal Man, himself.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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