
The empath has empathy – a kind and generous heart that wants to help others. Even to their own detriment sometimes. They will bend over backwards to help out others, sometimes not to ‘look bad’ or to ‘not lose out on popularity.’

In other words, when FOMO (fear of missing out) plays an important role in the life of an empath, you can be sure that here is a combo of empath + people pleaser and this combo is the prime target for the Narcissist’s love-bombing, devaluation and discard love-cycle. These are the 3 stages of the narcs love-cycle that give the empath all the training, all the memories and all the muscle-memory for all the toxic weaponizations that the narc is adept at.

If the empath is a love-fool, the narc is fool-hardy, having the acumen and prowess to nuke a country, while sweet-talking its PM. That is the power and control game of the narcissist that gives them life-breath. This chase, wooing and winning the person then stealthily moving on to the next phases of attack – of devaluation and discard – change the blood chemistry of the person, without them even realizing it and make them trauma bonded with the narc. This state is like fighting sleep when you have been secretly fed a sedative. It is impossible to not feel the effect of the sedative and it is futile to think that willpower will help you not sleep. Instead, the wiser thing to do is to learn about what you have been fed and how long it takes to wear off and what the after effects are and how you can intelligently combat all the ‘conditioning and training’ that has already been done in you. This is a strategy that helps in managing the triggers and all the activated states of hurt, confusion and brain fog that ensue.

The empaths find it very difficult when in a relationship with a narcissist to put up a tough fight as the narc often plays the victim card. After perhaps days of fighting and turning every trick in the book, often going around in circles in the fight, the narc will start crying or give another sad story that the empath will not be able to ignore, and will immediately drop the fight. That was a beautifully played narc win!

A lot of times, when the empath will speak up for themselves, they will be punished. All the things that they loved and needed from the narc will be summarily stopped. In fact, the narc might ghost them or give them the silent treatment or might even lash out at them and it will be the empath that urges the narc to ‘talk to them’ or ‘calm down’ and will promise not to be so “insensitive to the narc” again. Another narc win!

The empath’s standing up to the narc is the ultimate narcissistic injury. How dare they? The power and control only belongs to the narc and when the empath powers up, they have to let go of all their ‘people-pleasing’ needs and training. This is tough for the empath and all emotions of guilt and shame get heightened, often making the empath revert to old ways really fast. Hence the ‘on again-off again’ nature of these relationships. There is a lot packed into this dynamic – and the empath has a lot of emotional processing to do – to stand in their own power. A lot of old wounds add to the charge of the wounds inflicted by the narc and hence it becomes tough to get out of this relationship.

But when the empath realizes the power of the strength within them and navigates the toxic narcissistic tactics that were employed to weaponize their kindness – they are able to draw upon an energy so powerful, it obliterates all past and future people-pleasing and weak traits that they exhibited.

The strength that the empath senses and the resources that are present form the ease with which the empath now no longer looks for narc validation and in fact shines in the glow of a sense of self that needed to be embodied.

While the narc goes on to find another unsuspecting empath to subject them to their toxic love-cycle, the empath soars in their energetic evolution. The distinction being that the empath can move on to this state, while the narc does not have the wherewithal to.

The ability to recognize the difference is the ultimate empath win!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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