
Our planet’s climate has undergone natural cycles and variations since its inception. In fact, over the last 800,000 years, there have been eight cycles of cold and warm phases, with the closing of the last ice age marking the beginning of the modern climate era. However, the changes observed over the past century are particularly intriguing, characterized by an accelerated and rather irreversible implosion of climate dynamics owing to an anthropogenic spike in greenhouse gas emissions. The consequences have grim manifestations through rising temperatures, intense extreme weather events, shifting seasons, and ecological disruptions. Unsurprisingly, the World Meteorological Organisation observes that 2023 has shattered all climate records with its implications, leaving communities shattered and in despair. 

But how did this disposition of humankind unfold and where are we headed?

Historically, the shifting temperature patterns extending over millennia have been predominantly driven by subtle oscillations in Earth’s solar orbit, axis tilt, and wobble influencing the seasonal distribution of sunlight received. Earth’s climate history over the last 800,000 years, compiled from ancient ice cores, ocean sediments, fossil reefs, lake beds, and tree rings, conclusively proved the existence of these shifts and their criticality to the sustenance of life on this planet. For instance, the Holocene epoch created a stable and hospitable climate backdrop for human civilization to thrive. 

Traces of climate consciousness and its connection with human existence have been found since the writings of ancient Greek scholars like Theophrastus and Vitruvius. However, it wasn’t till the industrial age commencing in the mid-18th century that climate stability underwent severe strain. The spike of an average of 1°C in global temperatures since industrialization resulting from the emergence of large economic systems built with fossil fuel as their foundation stands in sharp contrast to the modest temperature gradients occurring over the last six and a half millennia. It is only ironic that the scientific probe for climate change also came into the fore almost concurrently with Joseph Fourier proposing the existence of the greenhouse effect in 1824 and Svante Arrhenius first associating global warming to a hypothetical doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide in 1896. 

However, in the 21st century, climate change is no longer a hypothesis but a kafkaesque reality that communities must endure daily, thanks to the extractivist nature of modern economic models. In a world where receding glaciers, melting Siberian permafrost, and thermal disruption of biogeochemical cycles in flora and fauna are no longer science fiction, this UN research using decadal data captures the tragedy in totality, estimating that between 1970-2021, extreme weather events compounded by human-induced global warming have caused USD 4.3 trillion in economic damages. Viewed on a human scale, the picture looks even more appalling, revealing over 2 million deaths. Further, the Lancet observes that climate change is accelerating the spread of infectious diseases, putting populations at high risk. For instance, between 2012 and 2021, the number of months suitable for malaria transmission in the African highlands increased by 31%. 

However, the real tribulation of climate change is the frittering of climate justice as those who are least culpable come to bear its burden. A Stanford study notes that since the 1960s, climate change has widened the economic divergence between the global hemispheres by at least 25%. The fallout of climate change is only amplified with devastating rippling effects for developing countries and small island nations already battling with limitations inherent to their socio-economic, political, and cultural landscapes and lacking climate resilience. The World Bank notes that more than 140 million economically disadvantaged people across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America will become climate refugees by 2050 due to rising sea levels, severe water shortages, and compromised agricultural productivity.  

But, dwindling global food security, crumbling supply chains, flooding of coastal cities, and diseases moving north means that countries, communities, and companies across the developed world are also at risk, albeit disproportionately. Interestingly, this report by the European Environment Agency observes that between 1980 and 2021, weather extremes inflicted economic losses estimated at EUR 560 billion in the EU Member States. 

It is clear that climate change is an existential and generational threat that should unify the otherwise divided world along the socio-economic and political lines, should it hope to avert the incurring human and economic costs. However, are we already too late? The IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 warns that considering the current state of climate policies, global warming is projected to rise by 3.2°C by 2100, belying the aspirations of the Paris Agreement. Also, findings report that climate change’s risks and adverse impacts will only escalate with global warming. The worrying variable underscoring scientific predictions lies in understanding climate ‘tipping points’ beyond which natural positive feedback loops get induced exponentially, accelerating warming trends even without additional greenhouse gasses through melting permafrost releasing trapped methane with 80 times the heating power of carbon dioxide. Such positive feedback mechanisms imply reaching net zero human carbon emissions may also be inadequate to reverse global warming. This apprehension is enough to emphasize why restoration of a safe climate while we still can remains humanity’s most pressing challenge in the immediate decades ahead. 

As a reminder that time is fleeting, besides being the hottest year on record, 2023 also bears the distinction of being exceptionally devastating regarding climate disasters. Reliefweb reports that this year, floods, wildfires, cyclones, storms, and landslides claimed 30% more lives globally than in 2022, and a conservative WHO estimate predicts 250,000 additional deaths worldwide per annum by 2030s due to climate change implications like malaria and coastal flooding. However, the downstream impacts can be much higher, considering that nearly half of the world’s population is engaged in agrarian activities directly dependent on predictable seasons and temperatures. Even incremental changes can wash off livelihoods and destabilize food production systems, threatening the nutritional security of billions around the globe. 

Although climate change is often downplayed as a hoax at its best and a conspiracy theory at its worst, the steadily increasing instances of ecological anomalies, biodiversity losses, extreme temperatures, and precipitation deviations co-occurring across continents provide tangible proof otherwise. Today, the compounded cost of climate inaction is unaffordably higher than that of climate action. Yet COP28’s failure to uphold the aspirations of the Paris Agreement equitably is the latest reminder of our continued fixation with the former. Here, the question arises whether history will judge us kindly for this choice and how steep a reparation the posterity will have to pay for our sins. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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