The Claridges Dhaba’s menu elaborated in Sestina style



From Balti Meat to Subz Pulao, enjoy the essence of North Indian food in the Sestina style of poetry.

Mutton Burra
Mutton Burra, tender and marinated,
In spices rich, its flavors elevated,
From the tandoor’s heat, it emerges grand,
A culinary masterpiece, in smoky command.

Tandoori Aloo
Tandoori Aloo, in the fire’s embrace,
Potatoes roasted, their taste we chase,
With spices and herbs, a flavorful line,
On the plate, a side dish so fine.

Balti Meat
Balti Meat, a curry’s spicy line,
Meat simmered, its richness in command,
A pot of flavors, in spices it’s embraced,
A Kashmiri dish, in tradition elevated.

Subz Pulao
Subz Pulao, a vegetarian delight,
With fragrant rice, its aroma takes flight,
Mixed with vegetables, a culinary command,
A dish of balance, in every bite.

Pindi Choley
Pindi Choley, chickpeas in spicy line,
A Punjabi classic, where flavors combine,
With onions and tomatoes, they embrace,
In a harmonious blend, a taste they chase.

Chuppdi Roti
Chuppdi Roti, flatbreads on the plate,
Simple and humble, they complement the taste,
In the heart of India, traditions command,
A meal of love, where cultures are embraced.

Mutton Burra, Tandoori Aloo, flavors grand,
Balti Meat and Subz Pulao, in sestina’s line,
Pindi Choley and Chuppdi Roti, traditions command,
In this culinary journey, where tastes are embraced.

The sestina style of poetry consists of six stanzas of six lines each, followed by a three-line envoi. The interesting part is that the words that end each line of the first stanza are used as line endings in each of the following stanzas, rotated in a definite pattern as well.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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