
Spiritual Growth Is By Contrast:

We have all experienced this phenomenon, where we have looked directly into the light and it has temporarily blinded us.  Looking into the glare of the sun or the reflection from a building  or the sun’s rays bouncing off waves.  All have caused us to see darkness, even if it is for a few moments.  We have felt the inability to do anything, till this glare subsides blinding us.  This is the case with spiritual growth also.  It gives us blinding contrast to anything spiritual, calming or peaceful in order to herald the new states within us.  

In simple terms, contrast is how we are led to our emotional and spiritual growth.  If you thought things couldn’t get any worse – they will; or you thought no  new scenarios can question every moral fiber your core was built upon, then think again.  

This is the duality of consciousness.  The dream within a dream within a dream.  It all seems so real.  The few seconds of darkness envelopes you and you feel as though it is the entire lifetime of struggle and suffering you have experienced, but in fact it is the illusion of suffering in the illusion of a timeline that draws out the hardships slowly.  Unless you felt this struggle, how would you know calm? Unless you built your faith during these times how would you know that it is the opposite of fear and worry?  This duality is essential.  It is the requirement of spiritual awakenings – an aha 101 course.  Do not get stuck in this timeline that you are assigned in this birth.  You have travelled long and have miles to go.  Understand that you are given this birth to master the lessons in front of you – to learn the value of faith, trust, belief and in those be safe in the feeling that all is taken care of for you. You do not have to know all the reasons why things are happening or what are the exact steps for you to ease the pain you feel.  You have to have faith and trust the Universe.

How Can You Build Your Faith, Trust and Surrender?

This blinding light is a temporary contrast to test you.  It is the exam you pass to go to the next grade of spiritual alignment.  When you stay put in this state of unease and of not being able to see – instead of getting into a state of struggle get into a state of surrender.  Do what is required in a neutral and surrendered state – without the overactive thought-driven narratives we assign to our suffering and struggles.  It is a sign that you are ready to be pushed higher and this is where you are being tested.  Stay in your lane.  Allow the chaos to be.  Witness it and surrender to it – as if you are watching cars drive by on other lanes on the highway.  It is a car passing by – it is a pain felt – it is the discomfort that is the temporary darkness – that will ease and it will lead you to the next path and next plane of your spiritual journey.  It is in this observing that you will display your strength of conviction that a power higher than you looks after you and is with you always.  The poise with which you deal with this struggle reflects your trust and surrender.  

Some Questions That Prompt Introspection

Understand yourself better by answering these questions and allow the answers to guide you.

How would you describe your faith and trust?  

How would the sun’s light blind you – firmly and permanently or temporarily?

What is the way in which you display surrender to a higher power?

What would make you feel safe and looked after in your situation right now?

Why do you think this alignment is showing up in your life right now?

What is the life lesson that you are being given through this situation?

How can you feel lucky that you are the chosen one – to be aligned and pushed to higher spiritual growth?

The contrast and suffering you have felt is proof that you are ready and that is why it showed up in your life.  It is temporary and the work you did when you went through it was for many lifetimes.  You have done karmic work.  Now allow yourself to breathe and ease yourself in surrender – in the knowing that you are now able to see that the blinding glare of the light was leading you to your spiritual growth.  

In your darkest hours a lot of work was done within you which you do not have to know about.  What you do need to know is that there is work that you need to do and now you must align with that.  There is a reason you had this growth spurt and what is it that you have to give back?  Let that unfurl within you.  It will. The light will guide you.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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