The Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir: Strengthening the soft power narrative of India and the UAE



Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting the UAE on February 13-14. On the 13th he will address more than 60,000 expatriate Indians in Abu Dhabi at an event named ‘Ahlan Modi’ (Hello Modi). While in the UAE, Modi will attend the World Governments Summit in Dubai. On the 14th Modi will inaugurate the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi. 

This will be the first Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi. Earlier in 2022, a Hindu temple was inaugurated in Dubai. Apart from the UAE, Hindu temples can also be found in certain other Middle Eastern countries such as Oman and Bahrain. 

However, it is pertinent to consider the timing and the messaging behind the inauguration of this Hindu temple. While providing the Hindu community an additional place of worship in the UAE, the construction of this temple allows both India and the UAE to project the strength of their respective soft power.  

For India this temple signifies the increasing appeal of its soft power. India has already been promoting different aspects of its culture and way of life across the world. Prominent among these are yoga, music and cuisine. Indian philosophy, already appreciated and followed in many countries in the world, would further get a boost through this Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi. 

Coming less than a month after the consecration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, this temple in Abu Dhabi would send a strong message to the domestic audience in India about the growing influence of Sanatan Dharma. Also with foreign policy becoming an integral part of India’s domestic political discourse, the ruling BJP would leverage a Hindu temple in the UAE, a Muslim country, as a success of India’s foreign policy and India’s growing stature at international level. 

The UAE too would look to benefit from the construction of this temple for enhancing its soft power credentials. 

Firstly, the Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi would build upon the already strong ties between the UAE government and the Indian Diaspora. There are almost 4 million Indians currently living in the UAE. The Indians are also the largest ethnic group in the UAE. The Indian workforce, comprising from highly qualified professionals to skilled and semi-skilled workers, form an important component of the UAE’s economy. The Abu Dhabi Hindu temple is important for the UAE for its own domestic Indian audience. 

Secondly, this temple is another step from the UAE to forge closer ties with India. The past one decade has witnessed India expanding its engagements with the Gulf States, particularly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. India’s ties with these two countries have moved much beyond the traditional arc of foreign relations which was dominated by oil trade and remittances from the Indian Diaspora in the Gulf. However, India’s ties with the region are now multidimensional. In case of the India-UAE relations, the two countries are not only strategic partners but have also concluded Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in 2022. UAE is the first Middle Eastern country to sign this agreement with India. This agreement is also expected to pave way for India to conclude a similar free trade agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council. For the UAE, India is one of the most important countries that would be part of the former’s transition to post-oil economy. Both are already working in this area with the UAE making investments in India in the renewable energy sector. India and the UAE are expanding their cooperation by participating in plurilateral initiatives such as the India-Israel-United States-UAE (I2U2) and the India-United States-Saudi Arabia-UAE. 

Apart from strengthening relations with India, an additional Hindu temple on its territory allows the UAE compete with Saudi Arabia. The two Middle Eastern powerhouses have been close allies for a long time. However, in the recent times, there ties have been witnessing strain. The friction between the two Gulf neighbours has ranged from economic competition to geopolitical rivalry. 

As regards to economy, Saudi Arabia’s rush to implement its Vision 2030 has caused it to take a number of steps that have led to discord with the UAE. These steps include plan to make Saudi Arabia air and sea logistics hub of the region, imposing import restrictions on the good manufactured in economic free zones in the UAE and asking foreign companies operating in Saudi Arabia to establish their headquarter in the kingdom by 2024. The two countries have also clashed over oil production at the OPEC summits. The UAE has dissented Saudi Arabia taking a lead role in the organization. The UAE has also accused Saudi Arabia of forcing the former to an oil production cut which caused the UAE to consider an option of leaving the OPEC. Similarly, in Yemen, although initially both the UAE and Saudi Arabia intervened to restore internationally recognized government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, later the UAE supported the Southern Transitional Council, a separatist movement which was deemed necessary by the UAE to protect its economic interests in the Red Sea. 

As a part of diversifying its economy, Saudi Arabia has been implementing several reforms to project itself as a moderate and liberal country instead of a conservative one. The latest step in this direction was the decision to open alcohol store for non-Muslim diplomats. Saudi Arabia’s reforms are aimed at attracting greater foreign investments. This is viewed as an economic challenge by the UAE. The Abu Dhabi temple would be a timely step for the UAE to reiterate its moderate and liberal position which would also be an indirect competition with Saudi Arabia. 

The inauguration of the BAPS Hindu Mandir is a significant event in the India-UAE relations. Apart from giving a boost to the bilateral ties, this temple is set to strengthen the soft power narrative as well for both the countries. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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