Teachers as the Shrestha and Mentors to create enlightened citizens committed to work as worship



1. Mainstream Education has never focused on teaching what really is the basis of Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism, Dharma, Swadharma and the traditional ideas of Creation, of religions, of our social systems, of Traditional ideas of Education, in ‘India that is Bharat’ because of which we still exist as a Vedic and Vedantic civilizational idea?

Education never teaches, what is it that “kuch bat hai ki hasti mitati-nahin hamari”, as succinctly stated by Iqbal: Yunan-o-Misr-o-Rome sab mit gaye jahan se, Baqi abhi talak hai nam-o-nishan hamare, kuch bat hai ki hasti mitati-nahin hamari, Sadion raha hai dushman daur-e-zaman hamara”?

Unless we the Shrestha and the academia first try to understand, appreciate and get some sort of clarity on the ultimate aim and purpose of this Creation as a whole, how can we describe, define and remove the confusion in the minds of most of us on the purpose of education – ‘character and goodness’ or ‘intellect’? Evaluation on ‘selflessness’ or ‘marks/degrees? ‘Same education to all’ or ‘that education which is based on the preponderance of our Guna-mix’, characteristics.

Education should suggest that only that career is really best, which is based on our inherent tendencies, nature, so that thru’ such work, we can not only excel but strive to selflessly work for good of all. Only such work, whether it is labour, sweeping, teaching or ruling, can purify our mind, and best transform our mind-set, samskaras, gradually towards Sattva; from where alone we can lunch God-wards!

Modern society and education believe that all people are born equal, all have freedom of choice based on external factors not on inherent tendencies and can engage in any job. We’ve never studied the basics like: What exactly is goodness, Righteousness etc.; why be good; can all be equally fit to be leaders or only the good can be good leaders?


Education doesn’t teach how to imbibe commitment to righteous-moral-ethical conduct? Education ignores the fact that only the ‘good’ can ever be good as teachers and leaders. Education never teaches why do only we of Bharat believe and accept the idea of ‘harmony of religions? Why do we believe and accept the idea that ‘all religions are true’; that ‘all Religions lead to One GOD, one Creator and that “only thru’ Imbibing Righteousness as our character, can we once again Re-gain (Latin of Religion; whatever be our idea of My vs Your God) and Re-unite (Yoga) with all creation and One Creator, worldview of Oneness, our ‘North’?”

In the age of AI and Google, Education must teach the idea of a Healthy, holistic, worldview of Reality of this Creation; its purpose; and what am I here for and more important where am I and we all are going – our North.

2. Teachers as Mentors: From the teacher’s community we could identify those few teachers who are inspired to strive towards selflessness to imbibe goodness thru’ Daily Sadhana and Swadhyaya and train them to be Mentors, Acharya.  Education when given by such inspired selfless Mentors, the Shrestha, can inspire the learners to strive to be and do good!

Teachers as Mentors may be of different faiths and religions, but they can inspire the learners to be Enlightened Citizens, the Shrestha, the role models of society, committed to the spirit of our Fundamental Duty. And only those Shrestha, who sincerely strive to IMBIBE the spirit of our Composite culture, should be guided towards leadership positions.

The Shrestha will be committed to imbibe the spirit of “Whole World as our Family”. Now expressed by GOI Global G20 Vision of “One World. One Family. One Future.” Thru’ spirit of Work is Worship; of being a Karm Yogi as per GOI Mission Karma-Yogi, KYi.

3. Only Daily Practices Can Accelerate progress towards “Awakening Viveka-buddhi, i.e., the ability to choose the CHANGLESS over the ever-changing; Long-term good for more and more, over immediate and short-term desires which implies choosing Selflessness over self-centeredness; a poor translation of profound Viveka-buddhi is Discriminative (?) Intellect, IQ, EQ, SQ etc.!

This ‘World’, all ‘Living-Beings’ and ‘Nature’ are apparently separate; but having come from One Existence they are One with Creator, aka God, Brahman, Sad-chid-ananda! Just as we are one with Parents, having no existence without them! We think ourselves as independent entities forgetting that we exist only because of our parents and the creation which enables us to be!

Education doesn’t teach this Inter-connectedness, Inter-dependence, Inter-relatedness; so, we’re educated to be Selfish and self-centered. Our Fundamental Ignorance is to Identify ourselves ONLY with our Body-mind and Me and Mine and my vs your God! The Villain is our MIND which is full of our past memories, beliefs, worldview. Education should teach that the Purpose of Work and Life is to Work according to our respective samskaras, guna-mix of Sattva-Rajas-Tamas to Re-gain / Unite (Religion / Yoga) though our Oneness with more and more till we realize our ONENESS with whole Creation and Creator!


All Beings and all of nature and all food and all intake thru sense-organs etc. are composed of a mixture of 3-Qualities/attributes, i.e., Sattva-Rajas-Tamas (calm-active-inert) in different proportions. While all beings simply follow their swabhava, inherent nature, humans have Freedom of Choice, and so, they get into bondage of consequences of their actions and continuously suffer pain and joy in this continuous cycle of birth-death.

Education must make us aware that we’re responsible and accountable for directing our lives thru Dharma (universal values) and Swadharma (our respective duties) towards good, better, best; towards feelings of Love, Care, Concern for more and more; towards the Higher, North; away from Un-Righteousness.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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