Takeaways from COP 28 deliberations



The COP28 meeting in Dubai, UAE held between November 30-December 12 reinforced the commitment of 197 countries and reviewed their progress under the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement to mitigate the razing global warming. Serious discussions followed to work out methods for adaptation and mitigation efforts required to achieve significant positive outcomes in the coming years toward tackling adverse climate change. Despite repeated discussions in successive COP meetings, global warming continues unabated and it is becoming difficult to keep the global temperature limit of 1.5°C within reach.

Deforestation, pollution, and greenwashing continue. The per capita greenhouse gas emission is on the rise due to rising pollution and industrial toxic gas emissions. Among the BRICS economies, the per capita greenhouse gas emission of India is the least at 2.8 tons in 2021 as against Brazil – 10 tons, Russia – 16.6 tons, China – 9.6 tons, and South Africa – 9.3 tons. The US is 17.6 tons.

As a result of inadequate measures to combat climate risk, 2023 is likely to end as the hottest year on record – the United Nations Environment Programme estimates that the world is on track for temperatures of up to 2.9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels as greenhouse gas emissions keep rising. There is only a 14 per cent chance of limiting warming to the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal even if countries honour all current pledges. Hence, the follow-up action has to be intensified many times more than now to control global warming. The actions have to be larger than committed.

1. COP28 initiatives:

Among many, the most significant is the mobilization of US$ 420 million during COP28 to seed a Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) to be hosted by the World Bank to help developing nations deal with climate change. In another successful initiative, 118 countries pledged to triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030 from around 3400 GW today to over 11000 GW. This represents the most accessible and cost-effective solution to addressing climate risks with urgency. Fifty companies representing over 40 per cent of global oil production committed themselves to zero carbon emissions by 2050. Also, 60 countries committed to reducing global cooling emissions – that account for nearly 7 per cent of global emissions – by 68 per cent by 2050. COP28 also saw 22 countries sign a declaration to triple nuclear energy capacity.

However, developing countries to take the lead to eliminate their carbon footprint before 2050. India and Sweden co-launched Phase II of the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT 2.0) for the period 2024-26, at COP-28. They also launched the Industry Transition Platform, which will connect the governments, industries, technology providers, researchers, and think tanks of the two countries. Another strategic move at COP28 was to include health in the agenda as one of the key discussion items, underscoring the linkages between climate change and health.

It marked the first-ever dedicated Health Day of any COP, and this monumental day saw 123 governments endorse the Climate and Health Declaration.

2. India-specific initiatives:

The launch of the ‘Green Credit Initiative’ (GCI) another differentiator at COP 28 is designed to incentivize voluntary pro-planet actions, as an effective response to the challenge of climate change. It envisions the issue of GCI for plantations on waste/degraded lands and river catchment areas, to rejuvenate and revive natural eco-systems. It should be people driven climate positive actions. Along with GCI, a web platform was institutionalized to serve as a repository of policies and best practices that incentivize environment-friendly actions. In addition, it aims to facilitate global collaboration, cooperation, and partnership through the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in planning, implementation, and monitoring of environment-positive actions through programs/mechanisms like GCI.

While participating in the discussion on transforming climate finance, India called upon the members to find ways and means to make climate finance available, accessible, and affordable to developing countries. They should be provided finance to meet the nationally determined contribution (NDC) in mitigating climate risk. India hailed the operationalization of the LDF and the establishment of the UAE Climate Investment Fund which can go a long way in financing renewable energy projects.

The experts further elaborated on the importance of the National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) launched as part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), to better understand the linkages between climate change and the Himalayan ecosystem for improved adaptation. Climate Ambition Pillar of Quad Climate Working Group (QCWG) on “Localising Climate Action” at the India Pavilion on December 9, 2023. During the event, a publication on India’s climate action journey from COP-21 in Paris to COP-28 in the UAE was also released. The publication highlights the rapid strides the country has made in a decade since the Paris Agreement. It reinstates India’s steadfast commitment to UNFCCC.

As part of this effort, in Budget 2023-24, the Indian government, building on India’s success in afforestation, rolled out the Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats and Tangible Incomes or, MISHTI. Under this scheme, mangrove plantations along the
coastline and on salt pans are being taken up.

India has been at the forefront of supporting action-oriented steps at the global level in response to climate change. We have always held the view that people and the planet are inseparable and that human well-being and Nature are intrinsically linked. In our endeavour to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions, India has successfully reduced the emission intensity vis-à-vis its GDP by 33% between 2005 and 2019, thus achieving the initial NDC target for 2030, 11 years ahead of the scheduled time. India has also achieved 40% of electric installed capacity through non-fossil fuel sources, nine years ahead of the target for 2030. Between 2017 and 2023, India has added around 100 GW of installed electric capacity, of which around 80% is attributed to non-fossil fuel-based resources. We have therefore revised our NDCs upwards indicating our deep commitment towards enhanced climate action.

In addition to its domestic initiatives, India’s contribution to climate action has been significant through its international efforts such as the International Solar Alliance (ISA), Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), the creation of LeadIT, Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) and the Big Cat Alliance. The Global Biofuel Alliance was launched to foster global collaboration for the advancement and widespread adoption of biofuels.

Highlighting the significance of lending to Micro Small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Renewable Energy sector during a session on “Pioneering Sustainability in MSMEs the Envisioning Global Growth and Local Impact” organized by the International Solar Alliance and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) reiterated its commitment to promoting environmental sustainability. Lending to Micro, Small, and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Renewable Energy sector was highlighted to increase its economic and environmental contributions.

3. Stroger action to limit global warming:

The global stocktake is considered the central outcome of COP28 – as it contains every element that was under negotiation and can now be used by countries to develop stronger climate action plans due by 2025. It was resolved that global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut by 43% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. However, it was noted that the Parties are off track when it comes to meeting their Paris Agreement goals. In a demonstration of global solidarity, negotiators from nearly 200 Parties came together with a decision to ratchet up climate action before the end of the decade – with the overarching aim to keep the global temperature limit of 1.5°C within reach. COP28 notably closed with an agreement that signals the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era by laying the ground for a swift, just, and equitable transition, underpinned by deep emissions cuts and scaled-up finance.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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