
Why we shouldn’t go down Trump’s ‘protectionist’ path and raise tariffs

[ad_1] Opinion polls predict that Narendra Modi and Donald Trump will win their respective elections in India and the US.


Hello Beijingpur & Shangli: Sweet revenge on the not-so-sweet Chini

[ad_1] West Taiwan (formerly China) is at it again, renaming 30 more towns in Arunachal Pradesh, the Indian state that


AI superbot vs augmented superman 

[ad_1] Two recent developments, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neuralink have captured the imagination of humanity like never before. ChatGPT, the


War on food

[ad_1] The Bengal famine of 1943, which killed 3 million people, was more the making of Churchill-era British policies than


One China? What’s that?: Beijing’s Arunachal game should make New Delhi bolder on Taipei. Stand with quake-hit Taiwan

[ad_1] China continues on a belligerent tack and has again released a list of names for places in Arunachal Pradesh.


My Take 5 (Edition 12): The week that was in international affairs

[ad_1] Welcome back to another edition of the weekly news wrap. As usual, we have a lot of ground to


Global war inc: Why do so many wars carry on and on? Because the political-military-industrial complex wants them to

[ad_1] Over the weekend tens of thousands of Israelis began four days of demonstrations against their govt over its handling


Freeloading & Freedom: Sticky-fingered journos are an embarrassment to the profession. Repressive regimes are a threat to it

[ad_1] US govt is asking journos who travelled on Air Force One to – discreetly – return items filched from


India’s quest for UN security council permanent membership: A holy grail of its foreign policy

[ad_1] India’s pursuit of a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) stands as a defining ambition in


‘India buying Russian oil is ok, but don’t fund Putin’s war machine…we need more jets, ammo…we can work with Trump’

[ad_1] In Delhi for the first time since the start of the war, Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba speaks to