
Noora Kushti, West Asian style: Oil prices fell after Iran’s attack. That suggests Iranians were perhaps coordinating with US & Israel. So, a global economic headache is unlikely

[ad_1] Noora Kushti, a term widely used in the Gangetic plains of India, has Persian (modern-day Iran) origins. Broadly, it


Iran: A tragedy

[ad_1] It could have been a modern West Asian power. But foreign interference & ayatollahs ruined it Iran’s barrage of


Megabucks HQ: The Maximum City now has the maximum dollar billionaires in all of metropolitan Asia

[ad_1] To underline the observation that India is a rich country in which several hundred million live in abject poverty,


Where do netas go when they die?

[ad_1] To the next election campaign. As AI raises political leaders from the dead, it also raises ethical quandaries. Some


My Take 5 (Edition 13): The week that was in international affairs

[ad_1] Welcome back to another edition of our weekly wrap of global news. While election season is hotting up in


The geopolitics of climate: Preventing climate conflict and mass displacement

[ad_1] Throughout history, the global climate and its shifts have influenced the course of history and culture. While its casual


Israel-Hamas War: Morocco’s attempts to preserve the status of Jerusalem are critical to create an opening for eventual long-term peace

[ad_1] With the war in Gaza showing little signs of abating – the latest outrage is the killing of seven


Israel-Hamas War: Morocco’s attempts to preserve the status of Jerusalem are critical to create an opening for eventual long-term peace

[ad_1] With the war in Gaza showing little signs of abating – the latest outrage is the killing of seven


Addressing safety concerns for Indian students in the US: A call to action

[ad_1] The American Dream has enticed hundreds and thousands of Indian students to pursue their aspirations in the United States.


Eyes in space

[ad_1] China, according to US, has started providing geospatial intelligence to Russia in its war against Ukraine. Aside from the