Swami Dayananda’s pursuit of ultimate truth



Ashok Vohra

‘What is the divine truth and how does one find it?’ is the question to which all sages try to find an answer in their own time. Though the Vedas say, ‘Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti’ – truth is one, though the learned men interpret it differently, yet in a pluralistic, multi-religious society, each institutional religion gives different and many a time, conflicting interpretations. Which one of the articulations of truth is better than the rest assumes significance because it becomes the root cause of disharmony in society.

In order to answer these questions Swami Dayananda studied original sourcebooks of various religions and their main sects. Wherever the translations were not available he got the sacred texts translated. However, due to his conviction that the Vedic truth is the supreme truth some critics allege that he was not able to “grasp the deeper meaning of myth or symbol or to probe the religious and historical rationale of a custom or rite” of other religions.

In his magnum opus Satyarth Prakash, Swami Dayananda argues that no religion worth its salt would ever offend reason and morality. He rejects the possibility of miracles on the grounds that they are irrational. These myths and miracles are woven by so-called gurus so that they can maintain their flock of disciples, he said.Dayananda entered into debates with Christian priests, Muslim maulvis and Hindu pundits with a view to ascertain their notion of truth. All these debates were carried out in a cordial atmosphere. The purpose was to satisfy intellectual curiosity and arrive at the ‘ultimate truth’. There was no mood of confrontation.
That Dayananda entered these debates with an open mind is demonstrated by the fact that in 1875 after a debate with the leading Christian representative Rev Scott on creation and salvation he changed his views about creation to the more orthodox Hindu view that the cosmos with its cycles is beginningless.

Dayananda made it the purpose of his life to purge religions in general, and Hinduism in particular, of ignorance and corruption. The differences amongst religions, said Dayananda, concern only myths and superstitions. According to him, the points of agreement among all religions include speaking truth, acquiring knowledge, associating with the good, controlling sensual passions, cultivating active habits and being honest in dealing with others.
Swami ji rejected the doctrine of forgiveness of sins, grace, or atonement.

These doctrines contradict the principle of karma, which holds every individual to be responsible for her actions. An individual is awarded or punished in accordance with her deeds. Therefore, each individual must perform her actions sincerely. In case there is forgiveness, all individuals will be tempted to act in a licentious way in the hope of redressal.

While Dayananda, by projecting the Vedic religion as the repertory of eternal universal truth, met the challenge of sectarianism at the theoretical plane, he successfully used the orthodox Hindu doctrine of Suddhi, ritual purification, for reforms in Hinduism from within, and for meeting the challenges from without. As a consequence of the tool of Suddhikaran developed by Arya Samaj founded by Dayananda, Hindu religion had become enriched with yet another dimension.

February 12 is Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s bicentennial birth anniversary.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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