Sunmaan, sonmaan: Aditya L1 and INDIA LS seem to be moving in the same orbit



Isro is on a roll-roll. Chandrayaan-3 having made light work of the dark side of the Moon,  our stellar scientists launched Aditya L1 last Sunday to study the solar atmosphere. Back on Indian soil, as ambitious a project had shot into the newspace, exerting a third gravitational pull on our attention. The deliberations of the third INDIA conclave, and its equal and opposite reaction from NDA, seem to follow the same playbook as those brilliant men and women in Bengaluru. Here are five analogies.

For starters, L1, from where Aditya will observe the Sun, is like Darjeeling’s Tiger Hill to which shivering tourists gather at dawn to watch the most spectacular sunrise over Kanchenjunga and possibly Everest. Lagrange Points are positions in space where sent objects stay put. According to Nasa, the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them. Similarly, Big Congress hopes to make INDIA’s, erm, lesser constituents stick to the larger goal instead of scoring own goals such as ‘Sun-atan dharma’. The centre of the NDA solar system is of course powerful enough to zap out of existence anyone who, Icarus-like, thinks he can come even close to this fiery powerball.  

Two, the solar observatory was launched from the hardy PSLV. NDA too has an infallible workhorse for launching the campaign to continue its seamless trajectory. INDIA has several components that could stymie its mission. The NDA Sun could easily eclipse the newbie Moon, but like Aditya L1, the latter aims for the apogee without incendiary issues like seat-sharing burning it up.

Three, several teams are working in tandem for Aditya L1 to reach one goal, the Sun. It’s much the same in NDA – which has scoffed that 28 parties have come together to ‘save one family’. Ha-ha, not likely.

Four, in Isro’s lunar and solar triumphs, nari shakti is there for all to see. In NDA, it’s more talked about than present. The counter-pulls of INDIA’s power women may well jeopardise its success.

Finally, like Aditya L1, INDIA has already displayed a ‘highly eccentric Earth-bound orbit’.

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Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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