‘Stepping into a vast sea, unsure of the direction’



In embarking on this journey of sharing my thoughts, I feel like I’m stepping into a vast sea, unsure of the direction but hopeful of finding land. This, my inaugural blog post, is a testament to the inner turmoil and confusion that I believe resonates with many of you. As the title subtly hints, I am navigating through life’s waters, often without a compass, in a world that seems both familiar and utterly alien from the one I grew up in.

I hail from a time not too distant yet seemingly archaic in the context of today’s rapid technological and social evolution. Born on October 2nd, 1980, my entrance into this world coincided with monumental events that now decorate history books: the release of the iconic video game Pac-Man, the election of Ronald Reagan as the President of the United States, and the notable boycott of the Moscow Olympics. I was born into the era of the USSR – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a time when the Cold War’s chill was felt across the globe, influencing every aspect of global politics and personal ideologies. It was an epoch where I learned to walk and talk amid the silent but palpable tensions of a divided world.

My childhood was distinctly marked by the absence of what we now consider basic conveniences. The internet was a thing of science fiction, television was a luxury with a single channel – Doordarshan, turning TV watching into a communal ritual rather than a personal indulgence. Parents admonished us for sitting too close to the screen, fearing for our eyesight, unaware of the future where screens would become extensions of our personas.

Fast forward to the present, the contrast could not be starker. The advent of smartphones and the internet revolution has transformed every facet of human life. Entertainment, information, and social interaction have undergone such radical changes that my childhood self would find the current world unrecognizable. In this era of information overload, choices are not just plentiful; they are overwhelming.

Yet, amidst this abundance, I find myself grappling with the same confusion that plagued my younger self. The questions have evolved, but the essence of uncertainty remains unchanged. Is the world we live in today superior to the one I grew up in? There’s a part of me, an eternal optimist, that believes humanity is on a path of relentless progress, each day better than the last. Conversely, a transient pessimist within warns of a looming apocalypse, a catastrophic culmination of our collective follies.
The cacophony of voices in today’s world does little to quell this confusion. With a plethora of perspectives bombarding us from every conceivable medium, discerning truth from noise becomes a Herculean task. My ideological stance shifts like sand underfoot; one day, I am a champion of leftist ideals, the next, a conservative critic, but always, at my core, a humanist, striving to see the good in humanity.

My beliefs are not static; they are fluid, evolving with every piece of knowledge I absorb, every experience I endure. However, the relentless barrage of information in the digital age often drowns out my inner voice, leaving me to wonder about the authenticity of my convictions on myriad issues: wars, politics, climate change, privacy, freedom, history, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, philosophy, economics, and more.

Through this blog, I embark on a quest for clarity, not just for myself but for anyone who finds solace in shared confusion. The objective is not to preach or to claim enlightenment but to explore, to question, and perhaps to understand. In a world teeming with definitive answers, I seek comfort in uncertainty, hoping that this space becomes a sanctuary for thoughts in flux, a haven for evolving ideologies.

If you, too, find yourself adrift in the sea of information, caught between the desire for progress and the fear of the unknown, let’s navigate these waters together. This blog is more than a collection of thoughts; it is an invitation to dialogue, to challenge our perspectives, and to grow. If any part of my ramblings resonates with you, or if you find yourself nodding in agreement or shaking your head in dissent, I welcome your comments. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together, embracing our confusion as the first step towards understanding.

Thank you for being here, at the very start of something new. Whether this blog becomes a beacon for lost souls or merely a flicker in the vast expanse of the internet remains to be seen. But if it offers even a modicum of clarity or comfort to you, dear reader, then every word penned will have been worth it. Let’s demystify the world together, one post at a time.

Please Note: In crafting my posts, the thoughts and ideas originate from me, though I’ll be enhancing the quality of communication with tools like ChatGPT.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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