Status of women in FPOs & Government efforts to Empower them



In India, small & marginal farmers constitute 86 %, who cultivate small plots of land. Their income is less due to frequent droughts & failure of monsoons resulting in the failure of crops. Other restraints, such as nominal market information, high transaction costs, difficulty in accessing credit, heavy interest rates on loans, etc. add to the farmers’ problems, increasing their distress.

It is opined, the agricultural sector in India which employs about 80 % of rural women can bring about a fundamental change in the way we look towards economic growthEmpowering and mainstreaming the women workforce in agriculture can enhance food and nutrition security and alleviate poverty and hunger helping achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030, it is opined.

Farmer Producer Organizations

In the 2019-20 Budget, the Central Government had expressed its intention to promote 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in 5 years. The Companies Amendment Bill, 2020, which received President’s assent on 28th of September, 2020 defined a Farmer Producer Company (FPC) as a body corporate, comprising of farmers and agriculturalists, who work in cooperation with each other to promote better standard of living & gain easier access to credit, technology, market, etc.

In the proposed FPOs, the decisions related to the production process were to be in the hands of the farmers. FPOs were thus believed to empower smallholder farmers, giving them an opportunity to deal with the contemporary market actors from a position of strength & enter high-value markets within the country & abroad. The small & marginal farmers were expected to gain strength through acquisition of greater bargaining power by combining their operations, facing the market as members of an FPO/FPC.

Place of Women in FPOs

Agriculture in India thrives on the dedication and hard work of women who constitute approximately 75 % of the full-time farm workforce. However, despite their significant contribution to farming, women have been noticed to be under-represented in FPOs perpetuating gender inequalities.

Although, as of February 2023, India reportedly had over 16,000 FPOs, data on women’s participation in FPOs remains largely inaccessible. As per rough estimates, out of the 5,073 FPOs promoted by NABARD just 178 or 3.51 % are exclusively women FPOs. This disparity is striking, especially when women constitute 75 % of the agricultural labour force.

Government Initiatives to Empower Women

Government acknowledges the significance of promoting women in agriculture and FPOs. Initiatives like, the Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana and the Central government Scheme for formation and promotion of 10,000 FPOs represent crucial steps taken by the government toward gender equality and empowerment of women in the agriculture sector, although there is still scope for improving the integration and providing incentives to further bolster women’s participation, it is opined.

Empowerment of Women is considered crucial for achieving SDG Target 2.3, which seeks to increase agricultural productivity among smallholders. In line with SDG 5’s focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment, many agricultural development projects now explicitly include the objective of   empowering women.

Women-led FPOs, it is stated, present a unique opportunity to promote the production of nutrient-dense crops. Research shows that when women are empowered and have a greater role in agricultural decision making, they plant a greater diversity of crops and more nutrient-dense crops, it is opined.

Interest in women’s participation in agricultural collectives has increased rapidly over the last decade, as it is realised that, Collectives of smallholder farmers’ result in value addition through realisation of economies of scale, increasing their incomes.

Objectives behind setting up FPOs, especially as regards Women’ Empowerment

  1. To achieve advancement & empowerment of women farmers in the FPOs;
  2. Creating an enabling environment through positive discrimination for women farmers, to realise their full potential & equal participation in all the activities of the FPOs across the value chain;
  3. Ensuring equal access to & control over resources / services to all women members in the FPOs & creation of assets in the name of women;
  4. Changing societal attitudes & practices by active participation and contribution of women farmers for the sustainability of the FPOs;
  5. Making it a commitment & responsibility of Male farmers, the Board & the Staff, to promote gender equality in FPOs as catalysts & change agents;
  6. Evidence creation & advocacy for influencing the policy to promote gender equality in the FPOs.


Women farmers in FPOs

Across the country, it is estimated that 73.2% of the rural female workforce works in agriculture compared to 55% male workers. Although, approximately 80% of all economically active women are employed by the agricultural sector, their work is often confined to monotonous manual activities, such as, transplanting, weeding, and sowing. The guidelines for setting up FPOs however do not seem to acknowledge this fact as is obvious from the following:  

  1. There is no mention about the minimum number of women FPOs to be formed;
  2. There is no mention as regards the minimum number of women shareholders in a mixed FPO;

The only non-negotiable guideline laid down is that the FPO’s Board of Directors should have at least one female board member.

Recommendations offered to make women’ participation in FPOs meaningful

  1. Have gender segregated data of existing FPOs, and put it in the public domain;
  2. Revisit the FPO guidelines with a gender lens;
  3. Have exclusive targets for women FPOs across sub-sectors in agriculture;
  4. Ensure mixed FPOs with minimum 30% women as shareholders and in the governance structure of FPOs;
  5. Offer larger equity grants and subsidised processing infrastructure for FPOs with a minimum 51% women shareholders;
  6. Have a separate cell and functional plan for the training and capacity building of women shareholders and women board members;
  7. Focus on training younger, educated women for agri-business management, as agri-preneurs and appoint them as FPO managers;
  8. Have higher convergence with existing women’s collectives to form FPOs.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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