South African Flag Could Be Banned At World Cups For National Doping Body’s ‘Non-Compliance’


South Africa’s flag could be banned in the ongoing Rugby and Cricket world cup as a result of a recent decision by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The decision declared South Africa’s national anti-doping body non-compliant, raising concerns about the display of the South African flag at these prestigious sporting events.

The repercussions of WADA’s decision are set to take effect on October 14th, with South African teams currently competing in these global tournaments. To mitigate these sanctions, the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport, the national anti-doping body, is considering an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport before the October 13th deadline. Such an appeal would temporarily suspend the sanctions until its resolution or until South Africa aligns with WADA’s requirements.

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In addition to potential flag absences at the current World Cups, South Africa faces further consequences, including ineligibility to host international sporting competitions while non-compliant. The same has been confirmed as per a report carried by news agency Associated Press which also suggests that in case South Africa’s national anti-doping body does not comply to WADA’s regulation, it could mean a potential bat at the Paris Olympics and Paralympics in the coming year.

The non-compliance stems from South Africa’s failure to amend its national laws related to doping in accordance with WADA’s updated international code, implemented in 2021. South Africa, however, remain confident of avoiding the flag embarrassment.

“Efforts to expedite the promulgation of the new bill that would make us compliant are also ongoing,” Litha Mpondwana, spokesperson for Sports Minister Zizi Kodwa, told BBC Sport Africa as per a report dated October 6.

“There will be an announcement early next week on our next course of action. Everything is on the table including the option of appealing,” he added.

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