
In the current socio-political landscape of India, there is ongoing  conflict between social justice and Hindutva. This conflict centres around the societal divisions, injustices, disparities, and oppressions perpetuated by the caste system on the one hand, and the idea of the monolithic Hindutva ideology on the other. This issue looks to be one of the major issues for the forthcoming general elections. The INDIA alliance, led by the Congress Party, is engaged in a battle for social justice against the RSS – BJP, which serve as political entities for the Hindutva ideology. In spite of their professed ideologies, the other political parties within the BJP-led NDA are obediently serving the RSS-BJP, in order to advance their own sectarian and limited objectives. The prime minister’s scuba diving display and the consecration of the Ram mandir stand in sharp opposition to Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra, which focuses primarily on social justice, along with four other pillars of justice. The more the Prime Minister talks about Hindutva the more Rahul Gandhi brings the issue back to the agenda of social justice to which the Prime Minister has no answer. 

After independence, the leaders of the freedom struggle drafted an egalitarian constitution that promised social justice, liberty, equality, and brotherhood through democracy, secularism and socialism. This marked a significant turning point in the fight for social justice. Mahatma Gandhi and many other warriors for social justice—of whom Dr. Ambedkar and Periyar were the most notable—waged a social fight against the forces of Hindutva alongside the political struggle against the British colonial power. Alarmed by anti-untouchability movements and other actions to bring about social equality launched by Mahatma Gandhi, the violent Hindutva brigade attempted to assassinate him not once but multiple times. The last successful attempt was the sixth one.  Thus, throughout the fight for freedom, the foundation for a caste-free, equal society had already been established. Through the constitution, the constituent assembly worked to formalise and uphold the egalitarian principles of the independence movement. The same political ideologies and forces who opposed Hindutva during the independence struggle in league with the Congress Party have now regrouped under the banner of India alliance. And on the other hand, a recent statement by a senior BJP leader has exposed BJP’s true intent of tampering with this Holy Grail if they have the numbers in the coming elections! The contrast could not be starker.

The BJP-RSS are the old pros at using tokenism to deceive the deprived castes. They have never made a significant contribution to the development of the underprivileged castes. The BJP-RSS can install an Adivasi and a Dalit in the ceremonial position of President today, but at the height of the Mandal agitation, they sought to divert attention away and provoked a religious fervour by organising Rath Yatra and also stood against the organisations fighting for OBC reservation. In one breath they confer Bharat Ratna to Karpoori Thakur, the champion of social justice as well as to L K Advani, the man who will go down in the history as the one who preferred religious bigotry to social justice. Similarly, they have conferred Bharat Ratna to Chaudhary Charan Singh and M S Swaminathan , both of whom championed farmers rights but also used force against agitating farmers. Although the Prime Minister identifies as an OBC, he has unequivocally rejected the concept of a caste census. It is no coincidence that whenever the BJP has been in power at the Centre, it has declared war on welfare policies.  Price rise; increased privatisation and crony capitalism; the sale of PSUs that employ people from the marginalised sections to private entities; fresh appointments on vacancies in the government sector are stopped; the farmers and workers are bled white; atrocities on backward classes, Dalits, Adivasis and women are on the rise; economic inequalities increase to dizzy heights and reservation provisions are openly violated in whatever little appointments that take place. The BJP’s rise to power can be likened to a virus that undermines the resistance of Indian society and politics against social Darwinism, elitism, crony capitalism, misogyny, communalism, caste animosity, and manuvaad. We see the most obnoxious, inhuman and vulgar scene of a privileged upper caste leader urinating upon a poor and hapless Adivasi boy. Another man has the gall to urinate upon an old woman in an aircraft! Just as a man with a weakened immunity has to struggle hard to overcome the virus that invades the body, Indian society and politics are today struggling to thwart the attacks of the BJP not only on democracy, secularism and social justice but also on common decency and humanity. 

Reality, data, and the truth terrify the BJP RSS. Preferring not to capture data, which can expose them, they conceal and manipulate information. They have been sufficiently alarmed by data to abstain from conducting the common decennial census. The refusal and stubbornness for not undertaking a caste census can only be understood by two things – first, their appeasement politics to protect the power, privileges and sectarian interests of the upper castes, and second, the tyranny of caste minority against the marginalised caste majority reflected in the hegemony in policy making – only three out of ninety bureaucrats in senior level policy decision making positions in the Government belong to the OBC section. Under protection of the ruling party,  adherents of every orthodoxy, religious bigots, revivalists, social supremacists, and economic and financial scoundrels have banded together to safeguard and advance the traditional Hindu social order and hierarchies.

When everything else fails, religion is the opium that keeps one going. Hindutva is rampant in those states of where illiteracy, poverty and backwardness are widespread.  On the other hand, states where the concept of social justice are deep rooted in society, like some io the Southern states, have progressed far more in every indicator of human development and have thwarted the advancement of the Hindutva led religious orthodoxy. To ensure equitable and egalitarian development for people, it is necessary therefore that social justice is served. The caste census is the first step in this process.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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