Significance of Indian foreign minister’s Moscow visit: Moving beyond India-Russia special and privileged partnership



The recent visit of India’s foreign minister, Jaishankar, to Moscow holds significant importance in the context of India-Russia relations, moving beyond the special and privileged partnership established between the two nations. This visit underscores the ongoing efforts to strengthen bilateral ties, evident since President Putin’s 2021 visit to India, where further elevation of their partnership was proposed. 

Expressing satisfaction, President Putin told Jaishankar that the relations between the two countries are progressing even amid turbulent times. While 2022 and 2023 the annual summit between President Putin and PM Modi could not take place because of the Ukraine crisis and India’s presidency of G-20, meetings of other top-level functionaries continued. Putin has now invited PM Modi to visit Moscow in 2024 for the annual summit.    

Jaishankar’s five-day visit to Russia saw pivotal developments. Jaishankar and Lavrov comprehensively reviewed the international situation and contemporary issues that included the Indo-Pacific, the Ukraine conflict, the Gaza situation, Afghanistan and Central Asia, BRICS, SCO, G20 and the UN as also bilateral matters like economic cooperation, energy trade, connectivity efforts, military-technical cooperation, and people to people exchange. Russia appreciated India’s views. On Ukraine, Lavrov stated that India’s approach reflected ‘its responsible approach towards regional and global issues based on its national interests and interests of fair international cooperation.’ 

Agreements on expansion of exports of hydrocarbons to India as well as on further cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in fields of medicines, pharmaceutical substances and medical devices were signed. Plans for long-term arrangements for the Russian supplies of energy, cooking coal and fertilisers were discussed. India is crucial to Russia as a market for oil exports as Western sanctions curtail oil shipments.  

Two important amendments were signed for further cooperation in upcoming units at the Kudankulam nuclear power project. This assures Russian support for the fifth and the sixth reactors. Currently, Russia is the only country that is building atomic reactors in India, though India has civil nuclear cooperation agreements with the US and France as well. Lavrov stated that this is Russia’s practical contribution to India’s activities and work to satisfy its needs for clean and safe energy. Russia has also shown interest in developing jointly floating nuclear power plants. Russia has rich experience in this field. These could be valuable for providing electricity to Indian islands.  

The cooperation in space programmes, rocket engines, satellite navigation systems, and military hardware was especially focused during the visit. Significantly, Lavrov expressed the Russian view that it respects India’s aspiration to diversify its military links while mentioning that ‘Russia is ready to produce military equipment under the “Make-in-India” initiative.’ There was concrete progress in technical-military cooperation and joint production of modern weapons.    

While Eurasia is witnessing increasing tensions, both India and Russia are keen to have peace in the region. This issue was discussed to seek solutions that could bring an end to confrontational approaches in the region. The issue of connectivity to bolster trade was discussed in detail including the International North-South Transport Corridor INSTC), the Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor, and the Northern Polar Route. Given the difficulties faced in the implementation of the India-Middle East Economic Corridor, operationalisation of the INSTC and Chennai-Vladivostok Economic Corridor has become critical. India is also interested in the Polar route for trade.  Jaishankar stated that India and Russia jointly organise connectivity events across land and maritime corridors. 

Jaishankar in his meeting with Deputy PM Manturov discussed bilateral economic cooperation. The two sides finalised the programme of cooperation in the Far East and it was decided to hold an early meeting of EaEU-India FTA negotiations. India also pointed out the imbalance in the bilateral trade. On the payment issue, some steps have been listed. A meeting is expected to take place in January.  

A remarkable feature of the India-Russia relationship is that when there is a paradigm shift in strategic equations globally and relations between countries are witnessing ups and downs, this relationship has remained not only unaffected but also strengthened over the years. This visit showcased the enduring strength of the India-Russia relationship, defying expectations of strain due to India’s growing ties with the US and participation in the QUAD. 

The growing partnership with Russia provides India with support on its ascendant trajectory, notwithstanding improved relations with the US. While there has been improvement in the India-US relations, the stink of the international conspiracy against India as revealed in the orchestrated allegations of Panunn and Nijjar plots using captive press and disinforming the Indian origin US law-makers, has the potential to spoil relations. While PM Modi in his response mentioned that such minor incidents were not going to have an impact on the broader relationship, this depends more on the US and its allies. They must stop giving space to Sikh extremists in their counties. It is more in the US interest to have good relations with India. India cannot be pressurised on Ukraine, Bangladesh, or any other issue. India will be guided by its national interests. Putin rightly acknowledged India’s sovereignty in decision-making, stressing that attempts to coerce India would be futile. He stated: “I cannot imagine that Modi can be intimidated, threatened, or forced to take any action or decision against the national interest of India and the Indian people. I know there is such pressure on them.”

In essence, the India-Russia relationship stands resilient amid global shifts, grounded in trust and common interests. Jaishankar aptly summed up India’s relations with Russia in a tweet: “Geopolitics and strategic convergence will always keep India-Russia ties on a positive trajectory.”



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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