
Consumer surveys often throw up results that puncture myths, for example, men shop mostly for functional stuff. They don’t, as an IIM-Ahmedabad survey on online shopping habits shows.

Land of dandies | Fashion tops the list of stuff women – and men– buy online. And it’s men who spend more, in per capita terms, on online shopping. Outspending women by 36%, men also manage to finish their buying in less time than women.

What we don’t know | The large gap in per capita spend between women and men should trigger questions. A separate survey carried out by DBS and Crisil on financial independence of women showed that it’s practically non-existent for middle-class women. Does IIM-Ahmedabad’s survey indicate that even technology, which helps people overcome so many other obstacles, can’t quite escape social constraints?

Good times, not for all | Recent consumption patterns also point to other constraints. An analysis by TOI of consumer companies’ performance in the Oct-Dec quarter of 2023 was revealing. Rarely have premium products seen such strong demand. Quick service restaurants report brisk sales of gourmet pizzas. However, sales growth of the regular variant hasn’t kept up. Mass market products continue to report lacklustre sales.

Uneven recovery | The analysis shows that last couple of years have seen a two track pace of bounce back from Covid. For households with an income between ₹3-5 lakh a year, discretionary spending has been squeezed by factors such as inflation. For households with an annual income of ₹10 lakh and more, the pandemic is a distant memory. SUVs and travel are all the rage, leading to happier times for businesses and advertisers.

Many messages | India’s economy runs on consumption. It makes up about 60% of GDP. Consumption patterns provide insights to social changes. Surveys and data from consumer goods firms are corroborated by macro data. Lower-income households haven’t yet joined the party of an economy set to top 7% annual growth for the third straight year.

In the Oct-Dec 2023 quarter, the proportion of self-employed in urban jobs increased by a percentage point to 40.6%. Among women, the share employed as unpaid help rose four straight quarters. No surprise then that mass market stuff’s slow moving. For growth to sustain, that’s the market that needs to grow again.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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