Shaping the future of cultural events and festivals with sustainability



The Mumbai Festival scheduled from January 20-28, 2024 is set to engage and entertain Maximum City- the City of Dreams. Themed around the Sapno Ka Gateway, the message is clear: The Mumbai Festival is for Everybody….and Everyone Is Invited!!!

Initiated by the Department of Tourism, Maharashtra government, under the guidance and leadership of the Hon’ble Minister of Tourism and Rural Development, Girish Mahajan. The Festival Committee is chaired by Mr Anand Mahindra and the Committee Members include Mrs Neerja Birla, Mr Harsh Jain-Dream11, Mr Partha Sinha-Times of India Group, Mrs Jayashree Bhoj, Secretary-Tourism, Mr Kaustubh Dhavse, Joint Secretary- Office of the Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Iqbal Chahal, the Commissioner of MCGM, Mr Phansalkar, the commissioner of police, Dr B. Patil, Director-Department of Tourism and key officers of the various facets of the city of Mumbai.

While Everyone is Invited, the festival is conscious that at its heart it must protect everyone’s interests and everyone’s home- Our Planet!

Sustainability is at the heart of the Mumbai Festival and through the festival the organizing team is driving awareness and action.

In an era of environmental consciousness and the urgent call for collective action, the importance of sustainability in cultural events and festivals cannot be overstated. These events now stand at the intersection of celebration and environmental stewardship, driven by the global need of conscious living and responsible actions. To ensure a harmonious coexistence with our planet, event organisers, stakeholders, and participants must wholeheartedly embrace sustainable practices, a responsibility beyond governments and state institutions to include civil society.

Global perspectives on sustainability vary, influenced by diverse social, economic, and environmental factors. Recognising these differences, the experiences and events sector is poised to embrace a forward-thinking approach to sustainable event planning. By carefully considering local customs and regional nuances, we can foster positive change and elevate our commitment to a sustainable future. 

Green Event Planning: 

Crafting a socially responsible and sustainable event demands a comprehensive and strategic approach. Define goals aligned with social and environmental values. Opt for eco-friendly venues and transportation, implement paperless strategies, source local and ethical food, ensure inclusive event design, and promote social, environmental causes and community initiatives. Encourage guest participation in sustainability initiatives to enhance positive social and environmental impacts.

A Paradigm Shift:

Cultural events traditionally symbolised grandeur, extravaganzas and enjoyment. Yet, amidst climate challenges, a fundamental shift is imperative. Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a moral and practical necessity woven into the essence of our celebrations – no longer a choice but a commitment.

Minimising Environmental Impact: 

A core aim of embedding sustainability in cultural activities is to minimise environmental footprints, encompassing waste management, energy usage, resource acquisition, and more. Employing eco-friendly methods reduces events’ impact on ecosystems and sets a positive example for participants and organisers. Notably, reports indicate that a mega music festival hat isn’t careful emits 500 tons of CO2, equivalent to the weight of three single-storey houses.

Community Engagement and Education:

Sustainability in cultural events transcends environmental concerns to embrace social and economic dimensions. Strengthening the well-being of event-hosting areas involves connecting with local communities, promoting fair trade practices, and supporting local artisans. Furthermore, events serve as invaluable educational tools, fostering awareness of sustainable living choices and encouraging environmental stewardship among attendees.

Event Design Innovation:

Sustainability isn’t a constraint; it’s a catalyst for creativity. Integrating sustainability into event design sparks innovation, using recycled materials, alternative energy, and eco-friendly transportation. The fusion of art, culture, and sustainability creates memorable experiences, leaving a lasting impact on attendees, the government authorities, civil infrastructure and society at large.

Impactful Transformation:

A culturally sustainable gathering ignites transformation. Event planners quantifying and transparently reporting environmental and social effects set a pioneering standard. Positive change ripples outward, inspiring other events, societies, and individuals to embrace sustainability.

The Mumbai Festival 2024: A Sustainable Spectacle:

Set to unfold from January 20 to 28, 2024, the Mumbai Festival is a beacon of sustainability. 

We are proud to announce our collaboration with United Nations, India as our Sustainability Partner! Together with the UN-India team we would be focusing on driving attention and action around the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This would also further the vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mission LiFE-Lifestyle for Environment. 

We are equally delighted that Project Mumbai – our own city’s initiative has joined hands to focus on Community initiatives around Sustainability and Accessibility. With Project Mumbai’s on-ground focus on implementation and education, we are certain that we will be able to breathe life into the city’s celebration in the most eco-conscious manner possible.

United Nations India:

Pressing concerns such as poverty, hunger, inequality, and climate change demand our urgent and concerted efforts for resolution. In 2015, the countries of the world signed the treaty to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We are little past the half time mark and the world has not achieved more than 15% leaving us way behind in the fight to protect and preserve life and our planet. Wake Up! It’s Half time! That’s our clarion call. 

The sports-loving know that most games are won in the second half and we have our lives and living to fight for. Working together with the United Nations India, and its Ambassadors, the Mumbai Festival aims to increase awareness and kickstart initiatives and action to build a greener, fairer, better world by 2030. 

Project Mumbai: 

With their tagline as “Mumbai ke liye kuch bhi karega”, Project Mumbai would bring a sense of shared responsibility towards the environment through well-planned initiatives throughout the nine days of the grand celebration of Aamchi Mumbai. 

The collaborations have set in motion the double agenda of awareness and action. Infused with careful planning to minimise environmental impact, the festival embraces beach cleanup initiatives, digital innovation, discarding printed materials to reduce paper waste. It champions zero-waste initiatives through eco-friendly transportation options like carpooling, biking, and use of public transport, supported by information on transportation and bike parking spaces. The festival opts for reusable decorations, such as cloth banners and potted plants, achieving minimalism while reducing disposable decor waste.

Participants are encouraged to bring reusable containers, water bottles, and cutlery, reinforcing the eco-conscious theme. The festival pledges to use biodegradable or compostable materials, creating an eco-friendly ambience aligned with global sustainability efforts.

The festival is making maximum efforts to utilize green energy from the power companies, modular reusable infrastructure and staging, low-energy consuming technical equipment and recyclable materials.

The Earth Film Contest: 

An endeavour designed to elevate awareness regarding environmental issues and champion sustainability through the compelling mediums of storytelling and visual media, The Earth Film Festival is an initiative driven by United Nations, International Indian Film Academy, leading film-making institutions, NFDC and the National Museum of Indian Cinema as well as PVR-INOX. 

Inviting filmmakers and environmentally conscious individuals to participate in a contest shall serve as an excellent avenue for them to articulate their ardor, propagate awareness, and actively contribute to fostering positive change on a global scale.

 #EarthMovie Mumbai originates from a long-term vision of generating awareness, providing solutions that can be implemented and activating the same at scale. We must set an example that other cities can follow and build a movement to initiate action with speed and at scale. It’s an initiative from Mumbai to the World.

Sustainability is woven into the festival’s fabric, connecting the past, present, and future. It’s not an afterthought but a vital thread preserving our planet’s beauty for generations. Let sustainability guide us in navigating the evolving world of event planning, envisioning a future where festivities peacefully coexist with our natural habitat. Beyond inspiring and educating, our dedication to sustainable methods aims to impact communities and event locations positively.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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