Savart launches AI-powered portfolio management service



Investment adviser Savart has launched a portfolio management service called Ad Astra Fund featuring an end-to-end research automation, from investment opportunity discovery until exit.

The fund transforms traditional human-led investment research processes and increases probability of achieving a superior return on investment, Savart founder and CEO Sankarsh Chanda said.

The research and investment decision-making is driven by AI research system APART (Advanced Process Automation and Research Technology) comprising three engines Quant, Iris and Synapse that scan through multiple parameters from balance sheets, annual reports to qualitative and abstract information ranging from corporate governance, sustainability, stakeholder relations, ethics and litigation, conference call transcripts to social media feeds in the run-up to portfolio construction decisions.

“Ad Astra has an edge over most human fund managers due to APART’s unbiased research, exponentially larger coverage and ability to build digital mental models at a lightning speed and scale,” he said.

The AI-driven research also covers thorough fundamental and qualitative analysis at a scale and speed beyond the scope of a human research team. Also, it evolves and adapts faster than a human fund manager in line with prevailing market conditions and opportunities. However, APART does not predict or forecast security pricing and financials. It assesses current market and business situations objectively and makes swift investment decisions, Savart said in a release.

The Ad Astra Fund is a long-term investment vehicle and maintains a concentrated portfolio, primarily comprising stock, and remains sector-agnostic.


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